
on account to

on account to造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:09:28

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的on account to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条on account to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了on account to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、on account to cannot be semigroups, so cannot be left (right) zero semigroups absolutely.(因为不能作成半群,故更不可能作成左(右)零半群。)
  • 2、On no account can we shut our eyes to the increasingly serious environmental problems.(我们绝不能对越发严重的环境问题置之不理。)
  • 3、The president declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.(那位总统由于嗓子疼拒绝亲自发表演讲。)
  • 4、Sorry that I cannot go to the airport to pick you up in person on account of stomach ache.(很抱歉我不能亲自去机场接你,因为我肚子痛。)
  • 5、Clerk: we mean that we compute interest on your account balance every day and credit it to your account on a quarterly basis.(职员:我们的意思是说,我们每日计算您的帐户余额应得利息,并且每个季度把应得利息计入您的帐户的贷方。)
  • 6、He was ordered to pay the company $500,000 on account pending a final assessment of his liability.(在对他的债务做最后的评估期间,他被命令先付这家公司50万美元。)
  • 7、So far I haven't heard of anybody who wants to stop living on account of the cost.(到目前为止我还没有听说过谁因为费用问题而想要停止生活。)
  • 8、Some hypotheses fail to account for simultaneous extinctions on land and in the seas.(有些假说不能解释同时发生在陆地和海洋的灭绝。)
  • 9、You could do a lot of shopping and a lot of damage to your bank account on Fifth Avenue.(你可以在第五大道买很多东西,你的银行账户也会损失很多。)
  • 10、Your vital account information lives on the second track, which hackers try to capture.(您的重要帐户信息位于第二条轨道,而黑客会试图捕获这些信息。)
  • 11、If he had only known then the dreadful things that were to happen to him on account of his disobedience!(要是他能知道,因为不听话将会面临什么可怕的事情,那就好了!)
  • 12、Recipients simply add the credit to their account or sell it on to shops that sell the Numbers at a slight discount from the original.(接受者只需将钱存入到各自的账户或者直接转售给那些出售较原价打小幅度折扣系列号的商店。)
  • 13、Click on the link in the email to activate your account.(单击该电子邮件中的链接以激活您的帐户。)
  • 14、Each account with an outstanding balance allows the user to enter an amount paid on an account with a submit method to store that information in the database.(每一个还有余额(outstandingbalance)的账户都允许用户为某一账目输入付款金额,通过提交方法将该信息存储到数据库中去。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 15、We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips.(我们出公差所用的每一分钱都得报清楚。)
  • 16、Sp_update_acct (updates the balance on an account to reflect a buy or sell of stock).(sp_update_acct(更新帐户余额,反应库存的买入或售出)。)
  • 17、Many parents object to sending their children to study abroad on the account that they don't want to separate with their children.(许多父母反对将孩子送去国外留学,原因是他们不想和孩子分开。)
  • 18、On no account can we do violence to public facilities.(我们绝对不可以破坏公共设施。)
  • 19、On no account can we shut our ears to other people's suggestions and warnings.(我们绝不能对他人的建议和警告置若罔闻。)
  • 20、There was no way to account accurately by recycled salt and salt incorporated into clay mineral deposited on the sea floors.(回收的盐和在海底沉积的粘土矿物中所含的盐是无法准确计算的。)
  • 21、On no account can we cave in to terrorism.(我们绝不能向恐怖主义低头。)
  • 22、Some people worry that their relative lack of experience may keep women quiet on boards, and that in turn could mean that boards might become less able to hold managers to account.(一些人担心,女性相对缺乏经验可能会使她们在董事会中保持沉默,而这反过来可能意味着,董事会更不可能让管理者承担责任。)
  • 23、Using sugroups allows system administrators to restrict access by group members on who can su to what account.(使用sugroup让系统管理员能够通过组成员限制谁可以使用su访问哪个账户。)
  • 24、In an account of his journey across South America, published in 1836, William Smyth thus complained of frequent "desertion" by his helpers: "Without them it was impossible to get on".(因此,在1836年出版的一本关于他的南美之旅的书中,威廉·史密斯这样抱怨他的助手经常“遗弃”他的行为:“没有他们,我就不可能继续前进。”)
  • 25、The man assured her again that he would on no account touch a thing to eat or drink.(那个男人再次向她保证,他绝对不会碰任何吃的或喝的东西。)
  • 26、The move to renewables is picking up momentum around the world: they now account for more than half of new power sources going on line.(世界各地向可再生能源转移的势头正在加快:目前,可再生能源在已上线新能源中已经占到了一半以上。)
  • 27、We need very broad participation to fully address the global tragedy that results when countries fail to take into account the negative impact of their carbon emissions on the rest of the world.(我们需要非常广泛的参与,以充分解决由于各国未能考虑到其碳排放对世界其他地区的负面影响而造成的全球悲剧。)
  • 28、He took all afternoon on each one of them, on account of having to hunt for each letter on the typewriter.(他每写一篇都花上整整一个下午的时间,因为他得在打字机上寻找每一个字母。)
  • 29、In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.(在欧洲,税收占汽油零售价的比例高达五分之四,因此,即使是原油价格发生了相当大的波动,对油品价格的影响也比过去要更轻微。)
  • 30、On no account should we take the risk of being expelled by the school to cheat in the exam.(我们绝不应该冒着被学校开除的危险在考试中作弊。)
on account to基本释义