- 1、Music is mypainkiller.(音乐就是我的止痛药。)
- 2、Take thispainkiller it usually ACTS fast.(把止痛药吃了,这个药见效很快。)
- 3、Sometimes a mildpainkiller is enough to ease the pain.(有时候一点轻度的止痛药就足以缓解疼痛。)
- 4、Thispainkiller has slightly alleviated my toothache.(这种止痛药略微减了一些我的牙痛。)
- 5、Well. You should take apainkiller now.(哦,你现在应该吃片止痛片。)
- 6、At first, doctors sent her home, Ms. Wellborn said, with apainkiller and a diagnosis of food poisoning.(威尔伯说,开始的时候,医生诊断她是食物中毒,给她开了些止痛药后让她回家。) Hao86.com
- 7、During his six days in the hospital, Endris, often in apainkiller-induced fog, thought about the ocean.(Endris在医院的六天里,经常在止痛药引发的迷糊状态中,想到海洋。)
- 8、Thispainkiller will take action in a few minutes.(这种止痛药在几分钟内就会见效。)
- 9、You will be awake when this happens, but you may be given a sedative and apainkiller to help relax you.(醒来时,你会发生这种情况,但你可以给予镇静剂和止痛药来帮助你放松。)
- 10、To deal with the pain, your easiest option is an over-the-counterpainkiller such as aspirin or acetaminophen.(为对付这种疼痛,最容易的选择就是非处方止痛药,例如阿司匹林或退热净。)
- 11、Here's a prescription for apainkiller.(这是止痛的处方。)
- 12、Or they might choose to have a localpainkiller and remain awake.(或者他们可以选择止痛药,可以保持清醒。)
- 13、Could I have apainkiller?(我可以要一个止痛药吗?)
- 14、This simplepainkiller has many well established benefits.(这个简单的止痛药有许多明确的益处。)
- 15、Taking more than one type ofpainkiller increased the risk 16-fold.(如果服用止痛药种类超过一种的话,风险则会增加16倍。)
- 16、Thepainkiller is over there.(止痛药在那里。)
- 17、Aspirin is a popularpainkiller, and chances are you have some in your medicine chest right now.(阿司匹林是一种很受欢迎的止痛药,也许在在你的药箱里就有。)
- 18、May I have apainkiller ?(请给我止痛药好吗?)
- 19、The payload could be almost anything, such as apainkiller, an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory drug.(胶囊里面什么都能装,比如止痛药,抗生素或者消炎药。)
- 20、They were then told they were being given apainkiller and the score went down to 39.(接下来,他们被告知已经被注射止痛剂,疼痛指数又下降为39。)
- 21、If a person removes the warning, day after day, with apainkiller, he or she may pass the point of easy control.(如果一个人日复一日地用止痛药来消除疼痛带来的警告,他或她可能会错过其容易被控制的阶段。)
- 22、Alarmed, Deborah called their doctor, who diagnosed flu and prescribed apainkiller for the headache.(黛博拉感到了惊慌于是便打电话给医生,医生诊断他患了流感于是为他开了治头疼的止痛药。)
- 23、That didn't work, so the next day she saw a doctor, who started her on an antibiotic and apainkiller.(这并没有起作用,第二天她看了医生,医生给她开了抗生素和止痛药。)
- 24、She stopped taking thepainkiller, in case she was allergic to it, but the rash kept spreading.(她停止服用止痛药,也许她得的是过敏,但皮疹依旧蔓延。)