
out of touch

out of touch造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:26:38

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的out of touch的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了19条out of touch的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了out of touch的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Actually, I've beenout of touch with him since our first reunion after graduation.(事实上,自从我们毕业后的第一次聚会之后,我就和他失去了联系。)
  • 2、He isout of touch with society.(他不接触社会。)
  • 3、These are all so many shadows, flitting about,out of touch with the world.(这些都是众多飞来飞去的阴影,与这个世界没有关联。)
  • 4、Edward wasout of touch with his family.(爱德华与他的亲人失去了联系。)
  • 5、Or, write an email to someone you've beenout of touch with for a while.(或者,给一位长久失去联系的朋友写封邮件也是一个不错的选择。)
  • 6、Well, I've beenout of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line occasionally.(我已经和我的大多数老朋友失去了联系,只有一两个偶尔给我写信。)
  • 7、But later they will describe a client pitch or a CEO meeting, where Mr. Wasserstein seemedout of touch.(但随后他们会描绘客户推介或CEO会议,沃瑟斯坦似乎不管这些。)
  • 8、She isout of touch and does not always know what is going on in our office.(意思是她脱节了不知道我们办公室里发生了什么。)
  • 9、Unfortunately, the people making the decisions areout of touch with the real world.(令人遗憾的是,制订决策的人不了解实情。)
  • 10、I think he isout of touch with the real world.(我认为他脱离了现实世界。)
  • 11、Do you feelout of touch with God?(你是不是触摸不到神了?)
  • 12、All this may be true, but it still leaves the EU looking hopelesslyout of touch.(所有这些可能都是真实的,但这将使欧盟看起来遥不可及。)
  • 13、In the meanwhile, they grow increasingly uninspired andout of touch with their authentic selves.(同时,他们也越来越没信心,离真实的自己越来越远。)
  • 14、You'reout of touch with reality.(你脱离了现实。)
  • 15、James and I have beenout of touch for years.(我和詹姆斯已经多年没有联系了。)
  • 16、A mostly hostile media portrayed him as weird andout of touch.(其主要敌对媒体曾将他描述成一个奇怪的,脱离时代的人。)
  • 17、Her technocratic leadership style, once reassuring, looksout of touch now.(她那种技术专家的领导风格曾在危机中给人信心,但现在却脱节了。)
  • 18、If the answer is again yes, then the employee may beout of touch with reality.(如果他依然回答是,那说明这个员工已经不可救药了。)
  • 19、However, I'm not completelyout of touch with civilization.(然而,我并没有完全脱离文明社会。)
out of touch基本释义

out of touch

英 [aut ɔv tʌtʃ] 美 [aʊt ʌv tʌtʃ] 


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