
pass by

pass by造句

更新时间:2024-12-23 07:23:32

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的pass by的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条pass by的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了pass by的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Walking down a hill Ipass by a group of expats in a bar.(我走下一座小山,走过一群坐在酒吧里的外国人。)
  • 2、As theypass by, a piteous wailing is heard.(他们经过时,传出一阵痛哭声。)
  • 3、I watched the flagpass by one day.(有一天,我看着国旗路过身旁。)
  • 4、However, you can detach and simply let thempass by.(然而,你可以从中将自己分离,然后让它们经过。)
  • 5、I've been watching the worldpass by all around me.(我一直看着这个世界与我擦肩而过。)
  • 6、It lets the first impulsepass by and waits for the second, or even the third.(聪明人常常放过对方第一意图,以引出其第二乃至第三意图。)
  • 7、What then of my dreams of leaning on a cottage gate and murmuring "morning" to the locals as theypass by.(我的梦想是靠在小屋的门上,对着路过的当地人喃喃地说声“早上好”。)
  • 8、Yet yearspass by before they really face such reality.(然而,他们真的面对这样的现实的时候,已经很多年过去了。)
  • 9、They smile, dance andpass by.(于是,他们微笑着,跳着舞,滚过去了。)
  • 10、Why have you broken down its walls so that all whopass by pick its grapes?(你为何拆毁这树的篱笆,任凭一切过路的人摘取。)
  • 11、If Ipass by the hill of Dunboy old Captain Burney may look out on me.(假如走邓博伊山,也许会被伯尼老船长看见。)
  • 12、A journey through the unobstructed- part of this waterway today wouldpass by the splendid Valley of the Kings, where the tombs of many of these ancient monarchs have stood for over 3,000 years.(今天,这条水路的一部分将会畅通无阻地经过壮丽的帝王谷,许多古代帝王的坟墓已经在这里矗立了3000多年。)
  • 13、All thatpass by the way spoil him: he is a reproach to his neighbours.(凡过路的人,都抢夺他。他成为邻邦的羞辱。)
  • 14、But they justpass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted.(但是他们只是驶过,把人体交通标志看作理所当然的事。)
  • 15、The Councillor stood still, and watched a most strange processionpass by.(司法官站着不动,看着一支奇怪的队伍走过。)
  • 16、You onlypass by on village on the entire weeklong trip.(为期一整个礼拜的旅程中,你只会经过一个村庄。)
  • 17、Timepass by.(时间在流逝。)
  • 18、He saw several shipspass by, too far away to get their attention.(里萨尔曾看到过几艘船经过,但它们太远,根本无法看到树上还有他这名幸存者。)
  • 19、How to explain the perpetuation of this conflict as the generationspass by?(怎样解释这场持续几代人的冲突呢?)
  • 20、Just then, the little mouse happened topass by.(就在那时,小老鼠碰巧经过。)
  • 21、Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while Ipass by in safety.(愿恶人落在自己的网里,我却得以逃脱。)
  • 22、Mrs. Sesemann had noticed the child's unhappiness, but let a few dayspass by, hoping for a change.(赛赛曼夫人已经注意到了孩子的悲伤,但希望过几天能有所改变。)
  • 23、Birds were chattering somewhere, and occasionally he could hear a vehiclepass by.(鸟儿们在某处啁啾,偶尔他能听到一辆汽车经过。)
  • 24、Cross over canals andpass by smaller palaces and other classical structures.(穿过运河并经过较小的皇宫以及其他的古典建筑物。)
  • 25、The morning hourspass by——the dark water flows on.(早晨的时间过去了——沉黑的水不住地流逝。)
pass by基本释义

pass by

英 [pɑ:s bai] 美 [pæs baɪ] 

经过; 过去; 疏忽; 以…为人所知
