好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的pass out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条pass out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了pass out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Finally the large woman can't take any more. Her face is a bloody mess. She's starting topass out. She releases the hold.(最终这个大块头女人无法坚持了。她的脸部被鲜血糊满了。她开始松手,最终松开了双臂。)
- 2、Most of the brands only want models to pose for pictures; some others ask their Santa Claus topass out small gifts or greet customers.(大多数品牌商家都只希望模特摆姿势拍照;而其他一些商家则希望他们的圣诞老人可以分发一些小礼物、或者给顾客打招呼。)
- 3、I'm going to cut the lecture there because I want topass out the final exams.(我这节课就讲到这里了,因为我想把期末试卷发下去。)
- 4、First one topass out buys the beer tonight.(谁先晕过去,今晚就谁去买啤酒。)
- 5、If you think you mightpass out, try forcing yourself to cough deeply.(如果你认为你可以挺过去,那就试着强迫自己使劲咳嗽。)
- 6、Now time to drive to the rim Tmac, let them foul or you canpass out to hit the 3. Yao need to shot more.(现在到了你冲向篮筐的时间了,麦迪!让他们对你犯规或者传出投3分,姚明需要更多的出手次数。)
- 7、She suffered from a disease that caused her topass out at school.(她患了一种病,在学校里昏倒了。)
- 8、It doesn't mean you have to take them out and drink with them until youpass out!(这并不意味着你需要带着客户出去喝到酩酊大醉!)
- 9、Even if he were conscious that water's so cold he'll probablypass out and die of shock before he drowns.(即使他有知觉,冰冷的海水很可能会让他昏死过去,多半被淹死前他就死于休克了。)
- 10、If you sleep longer than about 20 minutes, you'llpass out of REM and into other (deeper) phases of sleep.(如果你睡了超过20分钟,你会度过眼动睡眠而进入睡眠的下一阶段,深度睡眠。) hao86.com
- 11、I just... I wish I knew how Ipass out.(只是…我都不知道我怎么出来的。)
- 12、Should we say of somebody who's fainted or knows that they're subject to fainting spells, they never actually believe that theypass out?(我们该说那些昏倒了,或者是中了昏迷魔法的人,不会相信自己昏倒了吗?)
- 13、Did Ipass out in here?(我晕倒在这里了吗?)
- 14、I hope I don'tpass out while I'm asking this question, so — my question is actually about health care.(我希望在问这个问题的时候不会昏过去。)
- 15、People sometimespass out their business CARDS as if they were dealing at a poker game and this unprofessional.(有时人们就像发扑克牌一样分发名片,这样做是很外行的。)
- 16、Despite what people say, drinking alcohol before bed will not help you sleep well, even if it does make youpass out.(不管人们说些什么,睡前饮酒不会促进你的睡眠,即使你喝得昏昏沉沉。)
- 17、In the 15th century, when it was built as the town house of the Medici family, this was truly a place to make youpass out.(15世纪,美第奇-里卡迪宫作为美第奇家族的官邸而修建。那时这里是真正让你眩晕的地方。它拥有的艺术作品洋洋大观,让人惊叹。)
- 18、I prepare my material andpass out copies.(我准备我的资料然后分送副本。)
- 19、It is considered somewhat tacky, however, topass out resumes at a party.(但是,有点俗气的方法就是在聚会上派发简历。)
- 20、Distribute flies,pass out brochures or issue press releases will also help to create a company image.(散发小广告传单,分发宣传手册或者发布新闻稿件都有助于建立公司形象。)
- 21、pass out all unwanted poop from your large intestine.(把所有无用的大便从你的大肠排泄出来。)
- 22、In another, the instructorspass out pencils and the children begin to draw.(在另外一个教室里,老师给孩子们分发铅笔,让孩子们画画。)
- 23、Some people made it as far as a doctor's surgery, only topass out and die within minutes.(有些人已经到了诊所,但是在几分钟内却昏倒并死去。)
- 24、Of course, they believe theypass out.(当然他们是相信自己昏倒了的。)
- 25、She was in pain. She was very tired and I felt like she mightpass out or something like this. I was very scared for her.(她很痛苦。她非常疲惫,我以为她可能会昏倒或什么的。我为她感到很害怕。)
- 26、Over the internet, I now hear stories of other people making their peerspass out by reading it aloud.(在网上,我也听说了别人的故事,他们大声朗读这个故事使朋友晕倒。)
- 27、Seriously, if you can't think of a clever, compact way to make people remember your points, justpass out a goddamned outline.(更为严重的是,如果你想不到一个聪明的、相关联的方式让人们记住你的演讲要点,那么最终只是给听众留下一个荒谬无比的印象。)