好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的part of speech的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条part of speech的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了part of speech的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Whatpart of speech is it?(这是什么词类?)
- 2、I'm only interested in the first and third groups (the word and thepart of speech).(我只对第一和第三组感兴趣(单词和词性)。)
- 3、Modern Chinese is a closedpart of speech, in which there are less monosyllabic ones, while conversion reaches about 40%.(现代汉语副词是一个封闭的词类,单音节副词相对更少,但兼类却达到40%左右。)
- 4、Silence is one of the most profound ways to connect with your inner voice, with nature. Silence is the bestpart of speech.(沉默是连系你内心声音的最具影响的方式,沉默是演讲中最好的部分。)
- 5、Interjection in English is a smallpart of speech and its importance has been often ignored.(英语感叹词是英语中的一个小词类,其重要性往往被忽视。)
- 6、In compounds, the rightmost morpheme determines thepart of speech of the word.(在化合物,最右边的语素确定讲话的一部分的话。)
- 7、Many older people lose the ability to remember proper nouns but then never progress to losing any otherpart of speech.(许多老人们记不清楚正确的词语,但从不会漏掉语句中的其它成分。)
- 8、Thepart of speech(POS) of polyphones is very important for pronunciation disambiguation.(多音字的词性对于读音消歧有着特殊重要的意义。)
- 9、The quantifier in Chinese is onepart of speech to express the quantity unit.(现代汉语量词是用来表示数量单位的一种词类。)
- 10、There are universalities on both the concept of number and the specific number, and there is apart of speech named as numeral in every language.(数的概念和具体的数都具有普遍性,而每一种语言都具有自己的数词系统。)
- 11、If you don't understand a word or phrase in English, ask yourself whatpart of speech it is.(如果你不明白英语中的一个单词或短语,问问自己,看它是什么词性。)
- 12、Chinese modal particle has no equivalentpart of speech in English.(英语中没有相当于汉语语气词的词类。)
- 13、The syntactic features of a word includepart of speech and its advanced categories, its function in a sentence and its syntactic collocations.(词的句法属性包括词性以及词性的进一步分类、它在句子结构中的作用以及它的句法搭配。)
- 14、However, in actual use, particularly in collocation with words of the samepart of speech, they often exhibit asymmetry.(但是,在具体的使用中,尤其是在与一些同类词语的搭配中,方位词常常会出现不对称的现象。)
- 15、Sometimess a suffix changes a word'spart of speech, but the meaning remains almost the same.(有时候一个后缀改变了一个单词的部分发音,但是词叉几乎仍然保持不变。)
- 16、Whatpart of speech is this word?(这个词的词性是什么?)
- 17、As system knowledge, thepart of speech Transfer-Form can be obtained by inductive learning of training corpus.(然后通过对训练语料的归纳学习,获得作为系统知识的词性转移表。)
- 18、Do you know thepart of speech of this word?(你知道这个单词的词性吗?)
- 19、We realize the three tasks with two pieces of module: the word segment andpart of speech tagging module, the syntax analysis module.(将这三个任务用两个模块来实现:分词和词性标注模块、句法分析模块。)
- 20、Whatpart of speech is this word in this sentence?(在这个句子里这个单词是什么词性?)
- 21、We propose a kind of rule-based Chinese BaseNP recognition algorithm, an extension ofpart of speech (pos) template algorithm.(提出了一种基于规则的汉语基本名词短语识别算法——基于扩展词性模板算法。) Hao86.com
- 22、Given those, I can write a simple database query that retrieves thepart of speech and compares the question with the answer, as shown in Listing 5.(有了这些,就可以编写一个简单的数据库查询,以获取词性并比较问题和答案,如清单5所示。)
- 23、You don't know the meaning, but you know itspart of speech.(你们不知道它的意思,但是知道它的词性。)
- 24、Try to start most subheadings with the samepart of speech, such as a verb or a noun.(副标题开头的短语应该尽量词性相同。)