
play football

play football造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:25:01

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的play football的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条play football的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了play football的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted toplay football on Saturday with me and my friends.(他原来竟是一位非常讨人喜欢的孩子,我问他是否周六想跟我及我的朋友一起踢足球。)
  • 2、Why was Tony unhappy? Because his father didn't let himplay football.(托尼为什么不高兴?因为他爸爸不让他踢足球。)
  • 3、I only ever wear short sleeves toplay football or golf - but they're polo shirts - not shirts.(我从来只在踢足球或打高尔夫时穿短袖——但它们是马球衫——不是衬衫。)
  • 4、We were going toplay football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise.(咱们原计划踢足球,但是气候太热,咱们就决定去干其它事变了。)
  • 5、In my free time Iplay football because I love being a part of a team and working towards an objective with others.(有空时喜欢踢足球,因为我喜欢成为团队的一员,和其他人一起为一个共同的目标奋斗。)
  • 6、In school in gym class they wouldn't let meplay football. I mean the teacher and other kids.(在学校的体育课上,他们不让我踢足球,我指的是老师和其他孩子。)
  • 7、The only thing I want to do is toplay football alongside all these wonderful players.(我唯一想做的事情是和所有这些优秀的球员们一起踢球。)
  • 8、I was too slow toplay football, and my devastating curve and drop at 12 didn't come with any more break at 16.(我速度太慢以至于不能踢足球,而12岁时的致命弧线球和灌篮到了16岁却没有什么长进。)
  • 9、Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I oftenplay football. Sometimes I go hiking.(有时候我看望我的爷爷奶奶。我经常踢足球。有时候我去远足。)
  • 10、The doctor says I can start working out again soon and maybeplay football like before in a few weeks.(医生说我很快就可以开始锻炼了,而且也许几个星期后就可以像以前那样踢足球了。)
  • 11、I stillplay football here, and sometimes I umpire here, so it's a great park.(我仍然在这儿踢球,而且有时候在这儿当裁判,所以这是个很棒的公园。)
  • 12、One of my friends asked that why do you pay so much money for your kids toplay football?(我的一个朋友曾经问我:你为什么在孩子踢球上面花这么多钱呢?)
  • 13、The boys, wanting toplay football, were disappointed when it rained.(那些男孩子想踢足球,因为下雨感到失望。)
  • 14、Very much. I wanted toplay football. But I like coaching very much. I'm very happy.(非常喜欢,我原来想打橄榄球,但现在我非常喜欢教练工作,我很高兴。)
  • 15、People sometimes look at football players as people focussed on money but more than that they love toplay football.(有时人们看待球员集中在金钱上而不是球员本身,但更多的是他们喜欢踢足球。)
  • 16、Doctors said that Johnston definitely needed surgery if he wanted toplay football again.(医生说如果约翰斯顿他还想踢足球,就一定需要手术。)
  • 17、I saw many of my friends are playing on the playground, so, I and together theyplay football.(我看到我的很多朋友在操场上玩,于是,我和他们一起踢起了足球。)
  • 18、Mention that you and three other people usuallyplay football on Thursday evenings if they want to join in.(也应该告诉他们您和其他三人通常在星期四晚上踢足球,看他们是否想加入。)
  • 19、That is sufficient punishment for someone like me who only ever wants toplay football.(那对任何一个象我这样的想要踢足球的人来说已经是一个足够的处罚了。)
  • 20、The players from abroad adored coming to England toplay football because they always knew the fans were fantastic.(许多外国球员都憧憬着来到英国踢球,因为英国球迷的热情是出了名的。)
  • 21、Bo Shi Wa likes toplay football.(博士蛙喜爱踢足球。)
  • 22、"We were up against a very tough side who were not allowing us toplay football," added Kaka.(“我们面临的是一个不允许我们好好拿球的非常难缠的对手,”卡卡补充到。)
  • 23、You can be poor andplay football in the street with a little ball made out of newspapers, you know?(你可以很穷,可以在街上用报纸做的小球踢足球,你知道吗?)
play football基本释义

play football

[plei ˈfutbɔ:l] 

