
physical decay

physical decay造句

更新时间:2024-07-01 12:04:06

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的physical decay的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了7条physical decay的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了physical decay的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、TRNGs are usually based on physical phenomena such as thermal noise, atmospheric noise, radioactive decay and even coin-tossing.(真随机数发生器的熵源通常来自于真实的物理世界,如热噪声,大气噪声,放射性衰减甚至掷硬币。)
  • 2、The constant of electrostatic charge decay time is a important physical quantity that can describe the electrostatics property of materials.(静电衰减时间常数是定量描述材料静电性能的重要物理量,可以通过测量静电电荷衰减时间达到测量静电的目的。)
  • 3、Quantum tunneling is involved in many physical processes, such as radioactive decay and the nuclear fusion that takes place in the Sun.(量子隧穿发生在许多的物理过程中,比如说放射性衰变和太阳上发生的核聚变。)
  • 4、The physical Earth is now in a rapid state of decay and is running on its programmed systems.(地球上有很多区域有温泉,但其中一些根本不是自然形成的。)
  • 5、As the researchers pored through published data on specific isotopes, they found disagreement in the measured decay rates - odd for supposed physical constants.(当研究者核对已经出版的同位素的数据时,他们发现查到的值和测量到的衰变速率不一致,而这个速率被物理学家假定是一个物理常量。)
  • 6、You might say, "Look, the physicalist can't tell us that, because all the physical parts are still there when you've got the corpse, at least if it's a fresh corpse before the decay has set in."(你可能会说,你看,物理主义不会告诉我们那些的,因为尸体所有的,身体器官部分都还存在,至少对于还未腐烂的尸体而言是这样的。)
  • 7、The constant of electrostatic charge decay time is an important physical quantity that can describe the electrostatics property of materials.(静电衰减时间常数是定量描述材料静电性能的重要物理量。)
physical decay基本释义