


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:00:57

  • 1、The Moon's spin and tilt are unique among otherplanetary bodies in the solar system.(月球的自转和倾斜在太阳系的其他行星体中是独一无二的。)
  • 2、The next day, Venus—planetary ruler of Libra—turns retrograde.(第二天,天秤座的行星统治者金星开始逆行了。)
  • 3、According to Alan Stern,planetary scientist, the biggest public relations boost for the ISS may come from the privately funded space flight industry.(行星科学家艾伦·斯特恩认为,国际空间站最大的公关推动力可能来自私人资助的太空飞行业。)
  • 4、These disks are the remnants ofplanetary formation.(这些圆盘是行星形成的剩余物质。)
  • 5、Since the Copernican theory ofplanetary motion is inconsistent with the Ptolemaic account, Galileo's observations of Jupiter's satellites proved the truth of the Copernican theory.(由于哥白尼的行星运动理论与托勒密的解释不一致,伽利略对木星卫星的观察证明了哥白尼理论的正确性。)
  • 6、Let's not forget that eclipses inplanetary motions had important symbolic meanings.(我们不要忘记,在行星运动中,日食有重要的象征意义。)
  • 7、China's firstplanetary probe, the tiny Yinghuo-1 orbiter, will also hitch a ride to Mars with Phobos-Grunt.(中国的第一个行星探测器,小小的“萤火一号”轨道飞行器,也将搭乘“福布斯-格朗特”号飞船前往火星。)
  • 8、Eventually, ourplanetary rotational change will pretty much cease.(最终,我们星球的转动速度也会几近停止。)
  • 9、It's not going to Jupiter. It's going to some otherplanetary system.(它不是去木星,而是去其他的星系。)
  • 10、Each is stressed by risingplanetary temperatures.(每一个问题都因为地球温度的上升而加剧。)
  • 11、So, it's aplanetary model.(这是一个行星模型。)
  • 12、Recentlyplanetary scientists have suggested that the external preconditions for the development of Earth's biosphere probably included four paramount contingencies.(最近,行星科学家提出,地球生物圈发展的外部先决条件可能包括四个最重要的偶发事件。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 13、If we had rock samples to study, we'd know whether these small craters were formed by impacts during the final stages ofplanetary formation, or if they resulted from later meteor showers.(如果我们有岩石样本用于研究,我们就能知道,这些小陨石坑是在行星形成的最后阶段被撞击形成的,还是后来的流星雨造成的。)
  • 14、This lends support to current theories ofplanetary formation.(这也为现在的行星形成理论提供了证据。)
  • 15、Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands ofplanetary systems.(在我们所在的银河系中,很可能存在数以万计的行星系。)
  • 16、But they never altered their incorrect mental models ofplanetary motion because their every day observations didn't support what their teachers told them.(但是他们从来没有改变他们关于行星运动的错误的心智模型,因为他们每天的观察所得并不支持他们的老师所教授的内容。)
  • 17、See photos of newplanetary nebula.(查看新的关于行星云团的照片。)
  • 18、STELLAR andplanetary nurseries are private places.(恒星和行星产生的诞生地是很隐秘的位置。)
  • 19、planetary taxonomy is straining toaccommodate the new worlds.(行星分类学正容入新发现的行星。)
  • 20、We, the human species, are confronting aplanetary emergency—a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here.(我们人类,正面临着一种全球性的紧急情况——这是对我们文明生存的威胁,正当我们聚集在这里的时候,这种威胁正积聚着不祥的破坏性潜力。)
  • 21、You knowplanetary researchers love studying deep craters to learn about the impacts that created them, and how they redistributed pieces of the planet's crust.(我们知道,行星研究人员喜欢研究深深的陨石坑,以了解造成这些陨石坑的撞击,以及它们是如何重新分配行星的地壳物质的。)
  • 22、Since mostplanetary scientists believe that water is essential to life, the presence of jarosite means that one prerequisite for life was once present on Mars.(由于大多数行星科学家认为水是生命的基本要素,因此黄钾铁矾的存在意味着火星上曾经存在出现生命的先决条件之一。)
  • 23、This paper derives the motion property equation for Ravigneauxplanetary transmission.(本文推导了拉维娜式行星齿轮变速器的运动特性方程。)
  • 24、Image Credit: Lunar andplanetary institute.(图片所有权:月球和行星研究所。)
  • 25、Byplanetary standards, Mercury is small.(按行星的标准来说,水星是一个很小的行星。)
  • 26、They have survived at least fourplanetary mass extinctions.(它们至少经历了四次地球物种灭绝,一直活到了今天。)
  • 27、What are the values of aplanetary culture?(究竟什么才是普适于整个星球的文化价值?)
  • 28、The Eskimo nebula is clearly aplanetary nebula.(爱斯基摩星云显然是一个行星星云。)
  • 29、I'm a huge fan ofplanetary.(我特迷《行星》。)


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