- 1、I refer to the thousands ofpottery vessels and ancient lamps that are essentially duplicates of one another.(我指的是成千上万的陶器器皿和古老的灯,它们基本上是一个接一个的复制品。)
- 2、Bypottery painting, students can improve themselves in many ways.(通过陶艺绘画,学生可以在很多方面提高自己。)
- 3、The school has also set up several art corners to show thepottery.(学校还设立了几个艺术角来展示陶艺。)
- 4、He became interested in sculpting andpottery.(他变得对雕刻和制陶感兴趣了。)
- 5、They were all encouraged to paint pictures on thepottery, even though some students didn't know how to paint.(尽管有些学生不会画画,他们还是被鼓励在陶器上画画。)
- 6、But maps that show the various spots where Romanpottery of a particular type has been found tell only part of the story.(地图显示了某一特定类型的罗马陶器被发现的不同地点,但它只讲述了故事的一部分。)
- 7、The chief handicrafts of this country arepottery and wood carving.(这个国家的主要手工艺是陶器和木雕。)
- 8、Glaser says the widespread presence ofpottery confirms the soil's human origins.(格拉泽说,陶器的广泛存在证实了土壤的人类起源。)
- 9、pottery used to play an important role in the daily lives of Chinese people.(陶器在中国人的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。)
- 10、I've been taking classes inpottery.(我一直在上陶器制作技术课。)
- 11、The plastic arts include sculpture,pottery and painting.(造型艺术包括雕塑、陶艺和绘画。)
- 12、Students turned thepottery into different works of art.(学生们把陶器变成了不同的艺术品。)
- 13、Romanpottery was transported not only in large quantities but also over substantial distances.(罗马的陶器不仅运输量大,运输距离也很遥远。)
- 14、She now also doespottery classes at a community centre.(她现在还在社区中心上陶艺课。)
- 15、Buttons and claypottery?(纽扣和陶土?)
- 16、These Thule people moved in from Alaska, bringing kayaks, sleds, dogs,pottery and iron tools.(这些图勒人从阿拉斯加搬来,带来了皮划艇、雪橇、狗、陶器和铁制工具。)
- 17、We've already begun to find some very interesting items, like old bottles, buttons, pieces of claypottery.(我们已经开始发现了一些非常有趣的物品,比如旧瓶子、纽扣、陶瓷碎片等。)
- 18、They won't only be using rare, antiquepottery this time.(他们这次不会只使用稀有的古董陶器。)
- 19、Some bowls were made ofpottery and wood.(一些碗是用陶土和木头做的。)
- 20、Thepottery of ancient Romans is remarkable in several ways.(古罗马人的陶器在许多方面都很了不起。)
- 21、pottery is the oldest art in the world.(陶器制造是世界最古老的技艺。)
- 22、If you enjoypottery, showcase your creations in your apartment.(要是你喜欢陶艺,就在公寓里摆上你的作品。)
- 23、She started sellingpottery from the stoop of her apartment to pay for college classes at a studio nearby.(她开始在公寓的门廊出售她的陶器,以支付她在附近一个工作室的学习费用。)
- 24、This is a typical example of Romanpottery.(这是一件典型的罗马陶器。)
- 25、Almost every classroom has coloured pieces ofpottery.(几乎每个教室都有彩色的陶器。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 26、As impressive as the quality of Romanpottery is its sheer massive quantity.(和罗马陶器一样令人印象深刻的是它的数量之多。)
- 27、Wedgwood and otherpottery factories made cuts earlier.(韦奇伍德和其他陶瓷厂更早进行裁员。)
- 28、Most ground surveys involve a lot of walking, looking for surface clues such as small fragments ofpottery.(大多数地面调查都需要走很多的路,寻找一些表面上的线索,比如陶器的小碎片。)
- 29、Archaeologists foundpottery in the lowest level of the site.(考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。)