
pop singer

pop singer造句

更新时间:2024-07-01 12:03:25

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的pop singer的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条pop singer的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了pop singer的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、He is apop singer with sunglasses.(他是一个戴着太阳眼镜的流行音乐歌手。)
  • 2、You'd better put away all ideas of becoming apop singer.(你最好放弃做一个流行歌手的一切念头。)
  • 3、Thepop singer had a beautiful singing voice from an early age.(这个流行歌手很小的时候就有好听的嗓音。)
  • 4、I'm not only an English teacher, but also apop singer.(我不仅是一名英语老师,而且还是一名流行歌手。)
  • 5、The parents decided to name their son after their favoritepop singer.(这对父母决定用他们最喜欢的流行歌手替他们的儿子取名字。)
  • 6、If only I could be there and talk with thepop singer!(要是我能在那儿和那位流行歌手交谈就好了!)
  • 7、As a widower, Cronkite was the companion of opera siner Joanna Simon, the older sister ofpop singer-songwriter Carly Simon.(克朗凯特丧偶后,成为歌剧演唱家乔安娜·西蒙(流行歌曲歌手及填词作家卡莉·西蒙的姐姐)的伴侣。)
  • 8、The name Rick refers to 80spop singer Rick Astley.(其中里克指的是80年代的流行歌手里克·阿斯特莱。)
  • 9、His dream of being apop singer has come true.(他成为流行歌手的梦想成真了。)
  • 10、Her wish is to become apop singer.(她的愿望是成为一名流行歌手。)
  • 11、The sharpest rebuke came from Lily Allen, a songwriter andpop singer who was then 24 years old.(最尖锐的指控来自莉莉·阿伦,一位24岁的作曲家兼流行歌手。)
  • 12、Fans clustered round thepop singer when the concert was over.(演唱会结束后,歌迷们簇拥在这位流行歌手的周围。)
  • 13、You'd better put away the idea of becoming apop singer.(你最好放弃做一个流行歌手的念头。)
  • 14、The life of a successfulpop singer is not at all easy.(成功的流行歌手的生活一点儿都不容易。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 15、For thepop singer and the Total Recall actress, their road to marriage has certainly seen no shortcuts - it's been quite a bumpy one.(这两人,一个是流行歌手,另一个则是出演过电影《全面回忆》的影星,他们的婚姻之路当然也没有捷径,并且可以称得上好事多磨。)
  • 16、The 42-year-oldpop singer starred in an ad for Fiat's 500, first aired during Monday Night Football earlier this September.(这名42岁的流行歌星最近出演了菲亚特500轿车的广告,该广告在今年九月初的《周一橄榄球之夜》(MondayNightFootball)节目上首次与观众见面。)
  • 17、Thepop singer succeeded in making his fans happy in a variety of ways.(这位流行歌星用种种方法成功地使他的歌迷感到很开心。)
  • 18、He's apop singer.(他是一位流行歌手。)
  • 19、What are you going to be when you grow up? I might be an astronaut or I might be apop singer.(当你长大你打算做什么?我可能会成为一个宇航员或者我可能是一个流行歌手。)
  • 20、LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) —pop singer Ricky Martin declared publicly this week what he avoided discussing for years: he is gay.(洛杉矶,加州(CNN)——流行歌手瑞奇·马丁在这周公开承认他前些年来一直回避的“他是同志”的讨论。)
  • 21、Do you know Johnny Dean, thepop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?(你记得约翰尼·迪安,那位戴着古怪的眼镜留着长卷发的流行歌手吗?)
  • 22、The Canadianpop singer cut his hair during the shooting of a new music video with Rascal Flatts, and then tweeted about it.(这名加拿大流行歌星是在与RascalFlatts一同拍摄新MV时剪的发型,随后他发了一条相关twitter。)
  • 23、The actress successful portrayal of thepop singer won her several awards.(这个女演员成功扮演这个流行女歌手让她赢得了好几个奖项。)
  • 24、Theepop singer won't be singing this evening because the plane was late.(这位流行歌手今晚不能演出,因为他坐的飞机晚点了。)
  • 25、You look like apop singer.(你看起来向流行歌手。)
  • 26、The restaurant decide to engage apop singer.(餐馆决定雇用一名流行歌手。)
  • 27、That is a theme on which the popularpop singer has built both her fan base and her own personal identity.(这位流行巨星也借这一主题来建立自己歌迷阵营,塑造自身个性。)
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