
let loose

let loose造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:07:30

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的let loose的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条let loose的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了let loose的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、It's like playing riffs on the guitar: Youlet loose and some wild stuff comes out and some of it is pretty cool.(就像连续的演奏吉他:你们可以尽情的释放还有一些野蛮的东西会冒出来它们中的一些是很凉爽的。)
  • 2、The frantic storm of murder which had beenlet loose a few feet above his head did not reach him.(激烈的残杀的怒吼在他上面只有几尺远,但由于有厚厚的土地隔绝,传到他所在处。)
  • 3、The cabin looked as if a maniac had beenlet loose there.(小屋看上去像是被放任的疯子光顾过一样。)
  • 4、So the public waslet loose, to help sort what they had found.(于是公众的手就被放开了,他们提供他们发现到的东西。)
  • 5、It is an example of Korean entrepreneurial energieslet loose.(这是韩国得以释放的企业能量的一个例证。)
  • 6、So focused on his career and his role as a father, my husband wasn't inclined tolet loose often.(我的丈夫是如此专注于他的事业和他的父亲角色,往往不会经常放下架子。)
  • 7、Sometimes I take life too seriously, and I want tolet loose as well.(有时我看待生活过于严肃,当然我也希望能够放轻松。)
  • 8、[Vegas is a trip] definitely with your buddies. You canlet loose.(但到拉斯维加斯是个旅行,和兄弟在一起,你绝对可以放肆一些。)
  • 9、With such a manlet loose in the Senate, there was no hope of bipartisanship.(有这个不拘一格的人在参议院里,从来就没有两党主义生存的土壤。)
  • 10、As we get older we forget how great it feels tolet loose and play around.(长大后我们忘却了放松与玩耍的感觉有多棒。)
  • 11、let loose Some House Geckos: Think of cockroaches as enemy soldiers trying to invade your home.(释放一些壁虎:把小强想成是入侵你房子的敌军。)
  • 12、He was at lastlet loose in the kitchen.(终于放手让他干厨房里的活儿了。)
  • 13、She has all the glee of a little girllet loose in a sweetie shop.(她像糖果店里无人管束的小女孩那样兴高采烈。)
  • 14、When Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg launched in Feb. 2004, even he could not imagine the forces it wouldlet loose.(哈佛学生马克·扎克伯格2004年2月推出thefacebook.com网站时,就连他也无法想象它会释放出怎样的力量。)
  • 15、Hence, if they just want tolet loose and do "nothing" with their friends, let them.(因此,如果他们仅仅是想要放松一下自己,和朋友在一起“无所事事”,就让他去吧!)
  • 16、In the opening scene, when a velociraptor islet loose, an unnamed employee falls down and ends up getting eaten.(在影片的开头,当速龙窜出,一位不知名的员工落入虎口,然后被吃掉。)
  • 17、There is not yet even a science for predicting when faults and volcanoes willlet loose.(到目前为止,也还没有哪门科学可以精确预测断层和火山的活动规律。)
  • 18、Solet loose the talk of love.(所以,让我们把爱的语言释放。)
  • 19、With palm trees swaying over almost a mile of sparkling sand, there is no better place for you tolet loose entirely and simply sway along with the breeze.(棕榈树在将近一英里长的闪闪发光的沙滩上摇摆,没有比这更好的地方让你完全放松,简单地随着微风摇摆。)
  • 20、DCT is a complex process that islet loose on each individual pixel.(DCT的是一个复杂的过程,是让每一个人松散像素。)
  • 21、Shelet loose a stream of abuse.(她破口大骂起来。)
  • 22、All it takes is for you tolet loose your curiosity and wonder why everything is the way it is.(你要做的就是让好奇心驰骋旷野,寻求万物的奥妙。)
  • 23、Even that it would please God to destroy me; that he wouldlet loose his hand, and cut me off!(就是愿神把我压碎,伸手将我剪除。)
  • 24、Teenagers need a place tolet loose.(青少年需要一个可纵情嬉闹的地方。)
  • 25、It's a time tolet loose, ditch the stress, and break out of routine.(哥们儿时间是让人彻底放松,释放压力,暂别常规生活的时间。)
  • 26、The low black skieslet loose on us and we became soaked to the skin.(乌云低垂的天空向我们泻下倾盆大雨,把我们浑身都浇湿了。)
  • 27、A team of professionals werelet loose on the project.(有一组专业人员在放心大胆地做这个项目。)
  • 28、Photo above: this is the prop stylist in melet loose!(上图:我作为道具设计师的职业病犯了。)
let loose基本释义

let loose

英 [let lu:s] 美 [lɛt lus] 

释放; 松开
