
leap year

leap year造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:13:50

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的leap year的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条leap year的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了leap year的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Which year were you born? Is it theleap year?(你出生在哪年,是闰年吗?)
  • 2、leap year recurs every four years, and in that year February have 29days.(闰年每四年一次,在闰年的那一年,二月份只有29天。)
  • 3、How often is there aleap year?(隔多长时间有一次闰年?)
  • 4、And regardless of the calendar days of 2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed aleap year!(不管2011年接下来的日程会怎样,你们现处的年份确实是跃变的一年!)
  • 5、Feb. 29 is an intercalary day;leap year is an intercalary year.(2月29日是闰日;闰年是有添加日的年份。)
  • 6、This recurring appointment begins on aleap year.(此定期约会开始于闰年。)
  • 7、leap year recurs every four years.(每四年闰年一次。)
  • 8、Theleap year comes around once in four years.(闰年每四年来一次[每四年有一个闰年]。)
  • 9、If you ignore 1900, you can figure out if a given year is aleap year just by looking to see if the rightmost two bits are zero.(如果你忽略1900年,你就可以通过观察最右边的两位是否都为零来判断某一年是否为闰年。)
  • 10、There are other tricks to assist with dates in the first months of the year—for example, the last day of February is always an anchor day,leap year or no.(还有一些其他技巧可以帮助你确定一年的头几个月的日期——例如,二月的最后一天总是锚日,不管闰年还是平年。)
  • 11、The extra day in February because of theleap year also helped, specialists said.(专家表示,因今年是闰年,2月比往年多了1天,这也是有利因素之一。)
  • 12、This time was added as an extra day during eachleap year.(在每个闰年里,这些时间就被加总起来成为多出来的一天。)
  • 13、In a 1-out-of-365 chance, or less consideringleap year, Palmisano and Rometty share the same birthday, July 29th; is that an omen of some kind?(帕米萨诺和罗梅蒂在7月29日同一天生日,这可是365分之1的小概率,考虑到闰年,可能更小;这是某种预兆吗?)
  • 14、February 29, is perhaps the best matchmaker in this world, "leap year" 1 Let us believe in this.(2月29日,也许是在这个世界上最好的媒人,“闰年”1让我们在这个相信。)
  • 15、Eachleap year we add that day onto the end of February.(每个闰年我们都要在二月底加上一天。)
  • 16、Why do we have aleap year?(为什么要有闰年?)
  • 17、That's howleap year got its name.(那就是闰年名字得来的原因。)
  • 18、How do we do that correction? When I first tried this, I thought, fine I'll multiply by 365/60, but I forgot this is aleap year.(我们如何进行修正呢?我第一次尝试的时候,我想,好吧我乘以365/60,但是我忘这是闰年。)
  • 19、One poster remembered that we got to experience one extra day because 2016 was aleap year.(一位发帖者想起,我们要多过一天,因为2016年是闰年。)
  • 20、The two most people encounter areleap year and daylight savings time.(人们最常遇到的两种情况是闰年和夏令时。)
  • 21、Handlingleap year is fairly straightforward—add an extra day, if using the Gregorian calendar, to the year-month or day interval calculations.(处理闰年相当简单——如果使用公历,在以年月日为时间间隔的计算中添加额外的一天。)
  • 22、1900 wasn't aleap year.(原来1900不是闰年。)
  • 23、If you were born in aleap year, you may not get to celebrate your birthday every year.(如果你是润年出生,你有可能不会每年都庆祝到生日。)
  • 24、They know that in aleap year, they have "one more day" to improve their overall results.(他们知道在闰年的时候,他们能够有“多一天”来提高他们的总产量。)
  • 25、Then, he borrowed the idea of a seven-day week andleap year from the Hebrew calendar.(接着,他借用了希伯来历法中一周七天和闰年的概念。)
leap year基本释义

leap year

英 [li:p jə:] 美 [lip jɪr] 

第三人称复数:leap years

