- 1、Ilearnt conversational Spanish at evening classes.(我在夜校班学过西班牙语会话。)
- 2、She havelearnt to dance.(她学会了跳舞。)
- 3、I haven'tlearnt English before.(我以前没学过英语。)
- 4、She'slearnt the whole speech off by heart.(她把整篇讲话都背熟了。)
- 5、She hadlearnt to live with his sudden changes of mood and erratic behaviour.(她已经学会适应他那变幻莫测的情绪和难以捉摸的行为。)
- 6、It was a prayer she hadlearnt as a child.(这是她儿时就学会了的祈祷文。)
- 7、Ilearnt these songs at my mother's knee.(我小时候学过这些歌曲。)
- 8、What have welearnt today?(我们今天学了什么?)
- 9、I'velearnt to be careful.(我已经学会了谨慎行事。)
- 10、Theylearnt to right a capsized canoe.(他们学会了将倾覆的独木舟翻过来。)
- 11、She hadlearnt to bury her feelings.(她已经学会了感情不外露。)
- 12、I havelearnt English in London.(我在伦敦学会了英文。)
- 13、I'velearnt so much.(我已经学习了那么多。)
- 14、Is that all you havelearnt?(你就只学会这些吗?)
- 15、You havelearnt to learn.(你学会了如何学习。)
- 16、These ideas are notlearnt consciously.(这些思想是无意识学到的。)
- 17、Helearnt to play the piano at an early age.(他早年就学会了弹钢琴。)
- 18、Today welearnt how to use the new software.(今天我们学习了怎样使用这个新软件。)
- 19、But I havelearnt quick.(但我学得很快。)
- 20、Ilearnt to ride as a child.(我小时候就学会了骑马。)
- 21、I havelearnt skating last year.(我去年学会滑冰的。) haO86.com
- 22、What animals have welearnt?(我们都学过哪些动物?)
- 23、She's only five—she hasn'tlearnt to tell the time yet.(她才五岁,还没有学会看钟表。)
- 24、I havelearnt a new song.(我学了一首新歌。)
- 25、Shelearnt to sign to help her deaf child.(为帮助她耳聋的孩子,她学会了手语。)
- 26、Welearnt a famous song.(我们学了一首有名的歌曲。)
- 27、Welearnt how to draw buildings in perspective.(我们学习如何用透视法画建筑物。)
- 28、Shelearnt very slowly.(她学得很慢。)
- 29、What have youlearnt today?(今天你学习了什么?)
- 30、She hadlearnt to stand up for herself.(她学会了自我保护。)