
London Heathrow Airport

London Heathrow Airport造句

更新时间:2025-03-03 06:39:50

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的London Heathrow Airport的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了20条London Heathrow Airport的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了London Heathrow Airport的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、LeavingLondon Heathrow Airport?(离开伦敦希斯罗机场吗?)
  • 2、Listening to my mp3s, I noticed our plane had already landed atLondon Heathrow Airport.(听着MP3,我发现飞机已经在伦敦希斯路机场降落了。)
  • 3、This Poster was created by Sony Music Entertainment in a field close to Heathrow Airport, London.(这张海报是由索尼音乐娱乐公司在伦敦希斯罗机场附近的一块场地上创作的。)
  • 4、That's when he meets Kate Walker, a survey taker at Heathrow Airport who persuades Harvey to stay in London for the reception.(这个时候他碰到了KATEWALKER,在HEATHROW机场当调查员,她劝说哈维留在伦敦参加婚礼仪式。)
  • 5、The biggest passenger plane ever built has landed atLondon Heathrow Airport earlier today to see if the busy airport can handle the massive aircraft.(有史以来最大的客机已于今天早些时候在伦敦希思罗机场着陆以验证这个繁忙的机场是否有能力处置这个庞然大物。)
  • 6、The couple, from Tunbridge Wells, southeast of London, landed at Heathrow Airport on a flight from Nairobi.(这对夫妇,来自坦布·里奇·韦尔斯,伦敦东南部,从内罗毕的航班抵达希思罗机场。)
  • 7、As soon as we landed at Heathrow Airport outside London, I asked the hotel service to find a room for me.(那天一到伦敦的西斯罗机场,我立刻去了旅馆介绍处。)
  • 8、Heathrow Airport is on the outskirts of London.(希斯罗机场在伦敦郊区。)
  • 9、At Europe's busiest airport, London Heathrow, more than 700 flights have been cancelled.(在欧洲最繁忙的伦敦希思罗机场,700多个航班已被取消。)
  • 10、Victoria Beckham left Claridge's hotel in London, bound for Heathrow Airport.(图为贝嫂离开克莱里奇饭店,前往希思罗机场。)
  • 11、Because it is located in built-up west London, Heathrow already makes more people miserable than just about any other big developed-country airport.(原因是希思罗机场位于建筑物林立的伦敦西区,它周围居民遭受的干扰胜过任何一个发达国家机场周边的住户。)
  • 12、London Paddington has train connections toLondon Heathrow Airport.(伦敦帕丁顿火车站与伦敦希思罗机场有火车连通。)
  • 13、When I was able to reach him this weekend, at Heathrow airport in London, our cell phone connection was so lousy that we both ended up laughing over our repeated "Can you hear me now"s.(当我在伦敦的希斯罗机场打电话给他的时候,手机信号太差以至于我们笑着不断重复“你能听得到我吗?”)
  • 14、The code in listing 2 publishes a message to indicate that Air Freedom's flight 1024 has arrived atLondon Heathrow Airport (LHR).(清单2中的代码发布的消息表明AirFreedom的1024次航班已经抵达伦敦希思罗机场(LHR)。)
  • 15、As the open-topped Rolls-Royce in which he was riding reached Hammersmith, on its way to central London from Heathrow Airport, the streets were crowded with people.(当加加林乘坐的敞篷劳斯莱斯到达哈姆斯密,从希斯顿机场到伦敦市中心的街道上挤满了看热闹的人。)
  • 16、LONDON 's Heathrow is the world's busiest international airport.(伦敦希思罗机场是世界上最繁忙的国际机场。)
  • 17、Heathrow an important international airport to the west of London, the largest airport in Britain.(国际机场希思罗位于伦敦的西部,它是英国最大的机场。)
  • 18、Victoria a Beckham had quite an eventful weekend: She was flying from London to LA when her flight had to return to Heathrow Airport because of a technical issue.(维多利亚-贝克汉姆经历了一个相当波折的周末,她乘坐的本机原定从伦敦飞往洛杉矶,由于中途发生机械故障,最后不得不折返回希思罗机场。)
  • 19、London Heathrow, Europe's business airport, handles upwards of 1, 200 flights and 180, 000 passengers per day.(伦敦的希思罗机场每天进出航班1200多架,运送乘客180000人。)
  • 20、ArriveLondon Heathrow Airport. Transfer to Northampton.(伦敦希思罗机场,送到北安普顿。)
London Heathrow Airport基本释义