好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的look after的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条look after的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了look after的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Welook after the twins today.(我们今天照看双胞胎。)
- 2、Who willlook after me?(谁来照顾我?)
- 3、You'll have to play about andlook after yourself.(你得自己玩,自己照顾自己。)
- 4、Your baby depends on you tolook after yourself properly while you are pregnant.(你的宝宝靠你怀孕时好好照顾你自己。)
- 5、Don'tlook after her too much.(不要管得太严。)
- 6、Let melook after her.(让我来照顾她吧。)
- 7、Would youlook after my goldfish, please?(请照顾好我的金鱼,好吗?)
- 8、The butler promised tolook after the new-comers and prepared a bed for them in a basket.(管家答应照顾新来的小猫,并在篮子里为它们准备了一张床。)
- 9、There was an unspoken agreement that he and Viv wouldlook after the frail old couple.(他和维夫有一个默契,一起照顾那对年老体弱的夫妇。)
- 10、Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks, while we willlook after the branding.(本地公司选择场地及兴建主题公园,我们则负责品牌维护。)
- 11、Can youlook after yourself?(你能自己照顾自己吗?)
- 12、Just cut along outside andlook after those stoat-sentries of yours, and see what they're doing.(抄近道出去,看看你的那些白鼬哨兵们,看看他们在干什么。)
- 13、I know the Lord willlook after him.(我知道上帝会照顾他的。)
- 14、Welook after him in turn.(我们依次照顾他。)
- 15、His niece willlook after him.(他侄女会照料他。)
- 16、look after what you've planted.(照料您的植物。)
- 17、You will have to go to your headquarters; the officers there willlook after you.(你应该到你们的总部去;那儿有军官会照顾你。)
- 18、All the eggs hatched at once, so she has about forty newborns tolook after.(所有的蛋一次性都孵出来了,所以她需要照顾大约40个新生儿。) haO86.com
- 19、Who's going tolook after the children while you're away?(你不在时谁来照料小孩?)
- 20、In order tolook after her sick mother, she asked for a month's leave.(为了照顾她生病的母亲,她请了一个月的假。)
- 21、Pleaselook after it carefully.(请妥善保存。)
- 22、Pleaselook after the twins, mom.(妈妈,请照看这对双胞胎。)
- 23、look after your little brother.(照看你的弟弟。)
- 24、I just can't be bothered tolook after the house.(我只是懒得照看那房子。)
- 25、Help with housework andlook after him.(帮他做家务,照顾他。)
- 26、It makes sense tolook after yourself.(照顾好你自己是明智的。)
- 27、Instead, theylook after their wellbeing instinctively, and usually more effectively than we do as grownups.(相反,他们本能地照顾自己的健康,而且通常比我们成年人更有效。)
- 28、If we support them, they'll do their best tolook after our clients.(如果我们支持他们,他们就会尽力照顾我们的客户。)
- 29、look after your things, please.(请照看好你的东西。)
- 30、Don't ever ask me tolook after those kids again. I just can't take it!(不要再叫我照看那些孩子们了。我简直无法忍受!)