- 1、Thelipstick is a very dark red.(唇膏是深深的红色。)
- 2、Butlipstick is another story.(但口红设计师则是另一番天地。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 3、Herlipstick had smudged.(她的口红糊了。)
- 4、Does this color oflipstick suit me well?(这口红的颜色适合我吗?)
- 5、Can I borrow your cream andlipstick?(我能借你的护肤霜和口红吗?)
- 6、I think the shade of thislipstick fits you.(我认为这只口红的颜色适合您。)
- 7、This means that not only clothing butlipstick, nails, and even hair will all be worn in various shades of berry red.(这意味着,不仅仅是服装,而且口红、指甲油甚至头发的颜色都将被涂成不同深浅的浆果红色。)
- 8、She powdered her face and applied herlipstick and rouge.(她往脸上搽了粉,又涂了她的口红和胭脂。)
- 9、Susan: Linda, here's thelipstick.(苏珊:琳达,你的口红。)
- 10、Mylipstick needed a touch-up.(我的口红需要补一下。)
- 11、Her nail colour was coordinated with herlipstick.(她指甲上的染色与她的口红相配。)
- 12、Minnie smears thelipstick in hurry.(米妮赶紧抹了口红。)
- 13、She kissed me, careful not to smudge me with her freshlipstick.(她亲吻了我,小心翼翼地不让她新抹的唇膏弄脏我。)
- 14、Neutral and pale lip colors look washed out in photographs, so choose alipstick that's one to two shades brighter than what you normally wear.(中性色和淡色的嘴唇在照片里会显得苍白,所以应选择一种比你平常涂的口红亮一到两个色度的口红。)
- 15、She was wearing bright redlipstick.(她搽着鲜红色的口红。)
- 16、So is thelipstick index dead?(那么口红指数真的没用吗?)
- 17、This is waterprooflipstick.(这款是防水口红。)
- 18、She also wore a hint of redlipstick.(那天,她还涂了少量的红色唇膏。)
- 19、Her mouth was a slash of redlipstick.(她的嘴就是口红抹出的一道缝。)
- 20、She pouted to show off her newlipstick.(她撅着嘴炫耀她的新口红。)
- 21、She was already wearinglipstick.(她已经开始擦口红了。)
- 22、This is the waterprooflipstick.(这是防水口红。)
- 23、The girl daubed her lips withlipstick.(姑娘用唇膏乱涂了一下嘴唇。)
- 24、She powdered her face and put on herlipstick.(她往脸上搽了粉,又涂上了口红。)
- 25、Helen's choice oflipstick was a good match for her skin tone.(海伦选择的唇膏与她的肤色是很好的搭配。)
- 26、lipstick on your collar?(衣领上的唇膏印吗?)
- 27、Use your reddestlipstick.(使用你的颜色最红的唇膏。)
- 28、She was wearing redlipstick.(她涂着红色唇膏。)