- 1、According to legend, the night of the year, is the Cowherd and themagpie bridge.(相传,在每年的这个夜晚,是天上织女与牛郎在鹊桥相会。)
- 2、"I did not know that you had become a servant", said Mr.magpie.(“我还不知道你已经当了仆人了?”喜鹊先生说。)
- 3、The winter go, crisp rust dance,magpie song branches.(冬去春留,酥锈舞,鹊歌枝头。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 4、Superstitious people believe that the sight ofmagpie is a good omen.(迷信的说法认为看见喜鹊是祥瑞的征兆。)
- 5、Watership auspicious festivemagpie and form full of persimmon.(取材于吉祥喜庆的喜鹊和形态饱满的柿子。)
- 6、What I mean for you to do is to remember what I have told you about the whitemagpie and its powers.(我的意思是,你要去做的,是记得我所告诉你的关于那只白色鹊与它的魔力的事。)
- 7、This month alone, we've seen an albino squirrel, an albinomagpie , an albino kangaroo and an albino alligator.(仅这个月,我们就看到了白化松鼠、白化喜鹊、白化袋鼠和白化鳄鱼。)
- 8、The height of nesting ofmagpie was influenced by human activity to some degree.(喜鹊营巢高度在一定程度上受人类活动的影响。)
- 9、Moments of tender love and dream, So sad to leave themagpie bridge.(爱情和梦想只在那一瞬之间,只能带着伤心离开鹊桥。)
- 10、For maybe 95 percent of all utterances, Google's electronicmagpie is a fabulous tool.(对于可能的95话语,谷歌的电子喜鹊是一个好工具百分之。)
- 11、Mother: Oh, yes. Good morning, Mr.magpie.(妈妈:噢,真的!早上好,喜鹊先生。)
- 12、An albinomagpie which was seen in woods near Dover Castle in Kent.(在肯特多佛城堡附近的树林,看到这只白化喜鹊。)
- 13、Bear in mind thismagpie-like tendency, for this, particularly, will be important later.(你记住他这种像喜鹊一样喜欢收集东西的嗜好,这对于将来格外重要。)
- 14、The moonmagpie, wind, not in packaging.(月亮的喜鹊,风,而不是在包装。)
- 15、Equal be, you, I,magpie, the Cui son be all similar.(平等就是,你,我,喜鹊,翠儿都是一样的。)
- 16、I saidmagpie should know this new and decide whether to go to university.(我说喜鹊应该知道这个消息有他自己决定是否去上大学。)
- 17、magpie, you see, so many people.(喜鹊,你看,这么多人啊。)
- 18、He looks amagpie on the treetop.(他抬头一看,一只喜鹊站在树梢上。)
- 19、An oldmagpie began wrapping itself up very carefully.(一只老喜鹊非常小心地用羽毛把自己裹紧。)
- 20、The wind flung amagpie away and a black.(风把一只喜鹊抛向远处,一只黑背鸥。)
- 21、Before I could speak, Salina said, "She is got some papers formagpie."(我还没来得及开口,赛利娜说,“她给喜鹊拿了些表格。”)
- 22、No matter where you are from, you will think themagpie is a lucky bird.(不管是哪个地方的人,都认为喜鹊是吉祥的鸟。)
- 23、Butmagpie would not go to California.(不过喜鹊不会去加利福尼亚的。)
- 24、When I got to Crow Creek,magpie was not home. I talked to his wife Amelia.(我到鸭溪时,喜鹊没在家,我和他的妻子阿米莉亚谈了谈。)
- 25、This is amagpie and that's a nightingale.(这是只喜鹊,那是一只夜莺。)