好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的make allowances for的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了20条make allowances for的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了make allowances for的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、It's not just Chinese firms that need to reassess their risk calculations and make greater allowances for potential disruptions by natural disasters.(需要对其风险计算进行重新评估、并为应对自然灾害造成的供应链断裂做好准备的,不仅仅是中国的企业。)
- 2、He's tired so I'llmake allowances for him.(他累了,所以我会体谅他的。)
- 3、You mustmake allowances for him because he has been ill.(你应该体谅他,因为他一直病着。)
- 4、Six, fullmake allowances for the others is suddenly probably particularly a pedalcycle, pedestrain because of road slippery but carelessly trip.(充分顾及他人,尤其是自行车、行人可能会突然因路滑而不慎摔倒。)
- 5、During the holiday season, be able to recognize when your partner's stressed andmake allowances for it.(在假期期间,要能够识别配偶有压力的时候,体谅他们。)
- 6、We shouldmake allowances for our parents who might not know the correct way to express their love.(我们应该谅解我们的父母,他们可能不知道该如何正确地表达他们的爱。)
- 7、She tried tomake allowances for his age.(她已经尽力考虑到他的年龄了。)
- 8、Each other loves each other and mutually attends to, mutualmake allowances for, apprehend, joint effort, construct forward the happy Christ turns of home!(彼此相爱、相顾,互相体谅、理解,共同努力、向前,建造幸福的基督化之家!)
- 9、Please ensure that youmake allowances for time difference.(请确保您的时间差津贴。)
- 10、You shouldmake allowances for the fact that she's only seven.(你应该考虑到这样一个事实,她才只有七岁。)
- 11、The court was asked tomake allowances for his age.(人们要求法庭考虑他的年龄。)
- 12、Dad is under a lot of pressure, so we have tomake allowances for him.(爸爸承受着很大的压力,我们必须体谅他。)
- 13、Forgive yourselves when you err and misjudge your brethren, but do not make allowances any more for justifying your behavior or thoughts.(当你犯错或者错怪你的兄弟时,要原谅自己,但是不要为自己的行为或想法再辩解。)
- 14、We mustmake allowances for his youth.(我们应当考虑到他还年轻。)
- 15、They'llmake allowances for the fact it's affecting our performance.(他们会将影响我们表现的因素考虑进去的。)
- 16、Urbanized and educated Chinese, on the other hand, are far more apt to have experience with foreigners and thus tomake allowances for cultural differences.(城市化和受过良好教育的中国人,另一方面,更倾向于拥有同外国人打交道的经验,从而使全区文化差异。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 17、He is the one to blame, but we shouldmake allowances for his lack of experience.(责任确实在他,但我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。)
- 18、Targets shouldmake allowances for big economic shocks: strict budget rules that require measures to prune deficits in a downturn risk further weakening the economy.(目标应该是顾及到大的经济震荡:严格的预算规则要求在衰退的风险进一步削弱经济时采取措施以削减赤字。)
- 19、Everyone makes mistakes, so we shouldmake allowances for others.(每个人都会犯错误,所以我们应该体谅他人。)
- 20、The servant given one thousand said, 'Master, I know you have high standards and hate careless ways that you demand the best and make no allowances for error.(“那个给了1千美元的仆人说:”主人,我知道你有很高的要求,你讨厌那种使资金出差错的事。)