好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的make a point的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条make a point的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了make a point的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Wemake a point of never publicizing the amount of money we make.(我们坚持从不公布我们赚了多少钱。)
- 2、And especially he must stop smoking cigarettes. She wouldmake a point of that.(她要用好意把它冲淡,鼓励他做个有志气的男子汉,尤其要戒掉烟——这一点要加以强调。)
- 3、Set a timer or make a mental note of how long you've been plugged in. Thenmake a point of unplugging.(用表计时或者在心里记着你已经在这些媒介上花了多长时间,并且规定一个时间让自己退出来。)
- 4、And in the midst of Depression 2.0, do you really want to lose a steady job just tomake a point?(况且,在大萧条2.0的中间时期,你真的想只为了赢场官司而丢掉一份稳定的工作吗?)
- 5、Tomake a point, one juror smuggled into the jury room a videotape of a television account of the trial.(为了说明一个观点,一名陪审员偷偷将有关庭审的电视报道录像带带入陪审室。)
- 6、Perhaps a lot of them don't realize how well we are doing, because we don'tmake a point of publicizing.(也许他们中的很多人没有意识到我们做得有多好,因为我们没有刻意去宣传。)
- 7、I'm exaggerating tomake a point.(我再夸张地来证明这一点。)
- 8、make a point of getting to know those with whom you'll be working.(重视将与你一起工作的那些人。)
- 9、If Nature's paradise sounds alluring,make a point of visiting South Island.(如果大自然中的天堂听起来让你觉得有吸引力,那么别忘了到南岛去玩一玩。)
- 10、Others remained keen tomake a point.(另外一些人还在热衷于阐发观点。)
- 11、If you reallymake a point to ride the vowels, you can be soft and still heard in the back row.(如果你在控制元音发音上有所研究,你可以轻柔的说话,并且不会影响后排听众的倾听。)
- 12、Start a local writer's group, andmake a point to discuss some of the works by conemporary poets.(组建当地写作小组,就某一点展开对当代诗人作品的讨论。)
- 13、Mao knew not just how tomake a point but also how to get it out.(毛不仅懂得如何找到关键点,而且知道怎么把它传播出去。)
- 14、I'd like tomake a point.(我想说一点。)
- 15、I try tomake a point of being seen.(我尝试特意地出现在人们视野中。)
- 16、Tomake a point, some skeptics around the world are making massive drug overdoses a habit.(为了证实观点,世界上有一些质疑者正在使过量用药成为一种习惯。)
- 17、People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise and theymake a point of monitoring their body's condition.(身体健康的人注重营养和锻炼,他们很重视检查自己的身体状况。)
- 18、It is clear they are straight because theymake a point of stating it in the comments.(很明显他们都是直人,因为他们在评论中会特别强调这一点。)
- 19、ONLY use upper-case words when trying tomake a point (such as I just did).(它仅用于强调(注:原文是“ONLYuseupper-casewordswhentryingtomakeapoint(suchasIjustdid)”,作者巧妙地演示了大写字母的用法,可惜中文无法体现出来)。)
- 20、The most effective teamsmake a point to share knowledge and to reap the benefits thereof.(最具效率的团队懂得分享知识并因此获益。)
- 21、They alsomake a point of helping others feel good, too. It’s an “I’m OK, You’re OK” attitude.(自信的人也乐于帮助别人感受到力量和认可,那是一种“我很好,你们也很好”的态度。)
- 22、Twenge and her teammake a point of saying that they are not trying to establish causes as such, but that they are assessing the plausibility of potential causes.(特温吉和她的团队强调,他们并不是在试图确定原因本身,而是在评估潜在原因的合理性。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 23、Of course, I am exaggerating tomake a point.(当然,我的观点有些夸张。)
- 24、If you can successfullymake a point in a dozen words, challenge yourself to do it in nine or ten.(如果你可以成功地把观点浓缩到十来个字,那就挑战一下自己,看看能不能再减少到十个九个。)
- 25、If they exist,make a point of going.(如果它们存在,做一个去点。)
- 26、I'm putting them in there tomake a point.(我把注释放在这里是为了这个目的。)
- 27、I have a small work desk in my room which Imake a point to keep clean and tidy.(我的房间里有一个小办公桌,我特别注意保持干净整洁。)
- 28、But still he says the Numbers are good enough tomake a point: food waste is a waste of energy.(但他仍然认为,他们得出的数字足够正确,可以说明一个问题,这就是浪费食品就是浪费能源。)