好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的look through的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条look through的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了look through的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、look through the peephole to see who it is berore you open thedoor.(开门之前,要从门上的透视眼看看来者是谁。)
- 2、look through the window.(从窗子往里看看。)
- 3、You can bring your binoculars or the telescope thing where youlook through.(你可以把你的双筒望远镜或望远镜之类的东西带到你能看到的地方。)
- 4、I tend tolook through these notes when I need inspiration or just to refresh my memory.(在我需要灵感或仅仅只是想焕新我的记忆时,我往往会温习这些笔记。)
- 5、If you don't read them regularly,look through their archives... or better yet, subscribe!(如果你不能经常去读他们的文章,您可以对他们的档案进行略读,或者也可以去订阅。)
- 6、look through old photo albums together.(一起看照片集。)
- 7、Sitting in the theatre, I had tolook through the opening between the two tall heads in front of me.(坐在电影院里,我不得不从我前面两个高个头中间的缝隙里去看。)
- 8、Let melook through the poster in the newspaper.(让我看看报纸上的海报。)
- 9、For other research on screen resolution, have alook through the sources below.(关于屏幕分辨率的其他研究,您还可以参考下面的资源。)
- 10、Because fishlook through water, their eyes are very different from a mammal.(因为鱼能透过水看东西,它们的眼睛与哺乳动物非常不同。)
- 11、When youlook through a fashion or home magazine, don't compare yourself to the pictures.(当你阅读时尚或家居杂志时,不要把自己和图片相提并论。)
- 12、look through this glass, Gerda.(透过这镜子看吧,格尔达。)
- 13、It canlook through the host file system.(它能查看主机文件系统。)
- 14、look through the system Settings.(查看系统设置。)
- 15、He decided to give the trees a livelierlook through psychedelic colors.(他决定通过光怪陆离的颜色来赋予那些树木热烈的外观。)
- 16、"I'm going tolook through the window to see if we see any shell casings," he said.(“我要看看窗户里头,也许我们能看到一些弹壳,”他说。)
- 17、What would you do if you could onlylook through your textbook once?(如果只能看一遍怎么办?)
- 18、A quicklook through most of the commentary on various technology forums reflects this.(瞥一眼各种技术论坛上的大部分评论就能反映这一点。)
- 19、Do it:look through your emails for any positive feedback, and print it out.(行动吧:翻出邮件中所有的积极反馈,并打印出来吧。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 20、Thenlook through the author blurb.(然后浏览一下作者简介。)
- 21、You're willing tolook through your sales presentation making sure.(你愿意重新检查你的产品演示内容,以确保运用了以上所有策略。)
- 22、If you think it's her, you should have asked if you couldlook through her things.(如果你觉得是她,你该问一问,能不能检查她的东西。)
- 23、look through the door's peephole before opening your door.(在开门之前,在门口的窥视孔看下。)
- 24、Online the shopper canlook through a huge digital catalogue.(消费者可以在网上找到一个巨大的电子目录。)
- 25、Let me justlook through my list here.(让我看看我的清单。)
- 26、I've just got to do my best, and take a couple of seconds tolook through the first few lines before I launch into something.(我要尽我最大的努力,并在投入某件事之前花几秒钟浏览一下开头几行。)