好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的make the best of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条make the best of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了make the best of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、If you cannot have the best,make the best of what you have.(如果没有最好的,就充分利用现有的。)
- 2、Right now is the only guaranteed moment in my life. I willmake the best of it.(当下是我的生命中最有保障的时刻,我要好好的利用它。)
- 3、They were both very unhappy, but agreed tomake the best of things and to remain with one another.(他们俩都很不高兴,但都同意尽量和睦相处,继续住在一起。)
- 4、We shouldmake the best of our time to study.(我们应该充分利用好我们的时间去学习。)
- 5、And I intend tomake the best of things, even if they are all Yankee things.(我就是打算把生意做到最好,即使全都是和北佬们做生意。)
- 6、It lets you be proactive andmake the best of opportunities.(计划让你先发制人、充分把握各种机遇。)
- 7、With 30 years to look forward to, she decides tomake the best of it.(因为还可以活30年,她决定充分利用这些时间。)
- 8、If it's critical to your career to simply put up with the boss, try tomake the best of the situation.(如果忍下去对于你的职业前途很重要,那就尽量充分地利用好当前的局势。)
- 9、Many use a combination of these different arrangements tomake the best of their swap space.(许多变体使用这些不同安排的组合来充分利用它们的交换空间。)
- 10、Faith is trusting in yourself enough to know that no matter how things turn out, you willmake the best of them.(信念就是坚信自己无论如何总能将糟糕的局面扭转,展现事态的最好一面。)
- 11、As host, Japan's prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda, is determined tomake the best of the contradictions.(作为东道主,日本首相福田康夫决定尽可能利用这些矛盾。)
- 12、The three of us were all good friends before going into business, but friends don’t alwaysmake the best of business partners.(虽然我们三个在创业之前就是好朋友,可好朋友并不一定就是最好的商业伙伴。)
- 13、We shouldmake the best of everything, including the best use of human potentials.(我们要充分利用一切事物,包括挖掘人类潜能。)
- 14、The store also has second-hand books and CDs/DVDs with the ideas tomake the best of the used things.(出于充分利用旧物的想法,这家商店也有二手书和二手CD、DVD。)
- 15、She was glad to have finally won a measure of freedom and was determined tomake the best of it.(她很高兴终于获得了自由,并且决心要充分利用它。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 16、His advice, offered to her unasked, was to stay home andmake the best of things.(他主动向她提出建议:待在家里苦中作乐。)
- 17、I know it can be hard, but you will ultimately die, so why notmake the best of your life?(我知道这或许很难,但你最后依然会走向死亡,所以为什么我尽力地好好生活?)
- 18、The happiest people don't necessarily to have the best of everything, they justmake the best of everything.(最开心的人往往没必要获得最好的东西,他们只是把每一样东西都做到最好。)
- 19、But then most people try tomake the best of the situation, by changing their behaviors and attitudes.(但接下来,大多数人都会努力改变他们的行为或态度,尽可能的调整自己。)
- 20、With a little imagination, you can create new challenges andmake the best of the job you have.(稍微发挥一点想象力,你就能找到新的挑战,充分利用这份工作。)
- 21、If we want to reap a harvest, we have tomake the best of time and work hard.(如果我们想要有所收获的话,就必须善用时间、努力工作。)
- 22、The lady would notmake the best of it, and he was unhappy.(这位女士不愿意接受,他很不高兴。)
- 23、We shouldmake the best of this valuable opportunity.(我们应该尽量利用这个宝贵的机会。)
- 24、This is your child, and you'll have tomake the best of it.(这是您的孩子,您要好好待他。)