好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的may as well的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条may as well的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了may as well的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、"Well," said she, "when one goes anothermay as well follow."(“好吧。”她说,“一个人走了,另一个人大概也跟着走。”)
- 2、I think Imay as well go in at once.(我想我还是马上进去吧。)
- 3、Imay as well put a bin bag over my head for all the impact my face has.(或许我也可以在头上套一个箱袋,不让别人看到我的脸。)
- 4、As we are here wemay as well stay and look on.(既然我们在这里,我们不妨留下来看看。)
- 5、Youmay as well work on projects that will allow you to make progress.(不妨尝试些可以让自己取得进步的工作项目。)
- 6、It's only a trouble, and perhaps wemay as well let things take their course.(这只是个小麻烦,也许我们还是顺其自然的好。)
- 7、You can't help being biased so youmay as well be up front about it.(你阻止不了别人对你的偏见,因此你还不如就大大方方地接受。)
- 8、It's too cold to go out. Wemay as well stay at home.(天太冷了,我们还是呆在家里吧。)
- 9、Youmay as well know the truth.(你知道真实情形也无妨。)
- 10、With water levels rising, wemay as well start thinking about oceanic living.(随着水位线越来越高,或许我们也应该开始考虑在海洋中居住。)
- 11、If you can't achieve that, youmay as well spend your money straight away.(如果连这都做不到,你还不如直接花了它。)
- 12、Hemay as well have poured cold water on me.(他的话就像给我泼了一盆冷水。)
- 13、Wemay as well travel while we're fit and healthy.(当我们身体健康时,我们不妨去旅行。)
- 14、Youmay as well.(或许你也是。)
- 15、Tha'may as well know that at th' start.(你最好一开始就知道这点。)
- 16、Imay as well apply to these universities, which provide really good financial aid.(我应该也申请这些能给予丰厚补助的学校。)
- 17、I need an account anyway, so Imay as well open one here.(无论如何我需要一个帐户为好。)
- 18、Youmay as well offer it your neck today.(今天你们也要向它献上你们的脖子。)
- 19、Wemay as well ask whether writing on paperis journalism.(我们可能也会问到是否记叙在纸上的就是新闻。)
- 20、Youmay as well go and cut the wood for our coffins.(你还不如出去砍些木头给我们做棺材。)
- 21、Wemay as well go back to the place in the wood.(我们还可以回到那片树林里去。)
- 22、I've been here two years, but things move so quickly itmay as well be 10.(我来这里两年了,但是一切变得太快了,也许可能已经10年了。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 23、If I've got to go somewhere Imay as well go to Tulsa.(如果我必须去一个地方的话,我就去塔尔萨吧。)
- 24、Imay as well have been a photographer for National Geographic.(我觉得我还应该成为《国家地理》的摄影师。)
- 25、I suppose Imay as well tell you something about where you are going.(你要去的地方那些事,我也许可以告诉你。)
- 26、If the weather is this hot tomorrow, wemay as well give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon.(如果明天天气还是这么热,我们也可能放弃下午打网球的主意。)