


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:04:49

  • 1、I largely work with people who already aremotivated.(我总是与积极性高的人一起工作。)
  • 2、So, we are not mainlymotivated by money?(那么,我们的动机主要不是金钱?)
  • 3、I am working with mostly highlymotivated people.(我正与大多都积极性很高的人们共事。)
  • 4、I know it sounds corny, but I'm really notmotivated by money.(我知道这听起来有点俗,但是我真的不是为了钱。)
  • 5、His actions weremotivated by greed.(他的作为是贪婪之心所驱使的。)
  • 6、They are often notmotivated to learn through this method.(他们往往没有动力通过这种方法来学习。)
  • 7、He ismotivated entirely by self-interest.(他做事完全出于私利。)
  • 8、For those with high achievement needs, typically a minority in any organisation, the existence of external goals is less important because high achievers are already internallymotivated.(对于那些有高成就需求的,通常是任何组织中的少数人,外部目标的存在就不那么重要了,因为高成就者已经在内部受到了激励。)
  • 9、I don't know if they're that much moremotivated to help people.(我不知道他们是否更有动力去帮助别人。)
  • 10、While some people aremotivated by a need for success, others aremotivated by a fear of failure.(虽然有些人做事情的动机是为了成功,但有些人做事是出害怕。)
  • 11、But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don't is their ability to staymotivated.(但是那些找到工作的人和那些没有找到工作的人的区别通常在于他们保持动力的能力。)
  • 12、Men who use steroids aremotivated by sheer vanity.(服用类固醇的男人们纯粹是受了虚荣心的驱使。)
  • 13、Their current protests aremotivated purely by self-interest.(他们目前的抗议纯粹是受私利驱使的。)
  • 14、It is generally accepted that people aremotivated by success.(普遍认为,成功催人奋进。)
  • 15、The attacks were not raciallymotivated.(袭击事件不是由种族原因引起的。)
  • 16、Student teachers aremotivated to help Betty master certain materials.(激励学生老师去帮助贝蒂掌握某些材料。)
  • 17、Others are moremotivated by collaboration and social experiences.(另一些人更能被合作和社会实践的经历激发动力。)
  • 18、They aremotivated by a need to achieve.(他们被成功的需要激励着。)
  • 19、She wasmotivated by deep religious conviction.(她的行动是出于虔诚的宗教信仰。)
  • 20、This contributed to the deterioration of the company's once-spirited culture, which hadmotivated employees to take risks and make miracles.(这一做法有损公司原本生机勃勃的企业文化,而正是这种文化激励员工敢于冒险、创造奇迹。)
  • 21、Her expressive gestures weremotivated from within rather than from being dictated by strict technique.(她富有表现力的姿势是由内心激发的,而不是由严格的技巧来支配的。)
  • 22、More recently, as he reported in a 2012 review, Lieberman has discovered that this region may be part of a distinct network involved in sociallymotivated learning and memory.(最近,正如他在2012年的一篇综述中所报道的那样,利伯曼发现,这个区域可能是社会性动机学习和记忆的独特网络的一部分。)
  • 23、These youngsters aremotivated by fear of failure.(这些年轻人因担心失败而被激发。)
  • 24、She wasmotivated solely by self-interest.(她完全是出于私利。)
  • 25、Inferential activity is likely only when consumers aremotivated and able to engage in effortful cognitive processes.(只有当消费者被激励并能够经历费力的认知过程时,推理活动才可能发生。)
  • 26、The coach tried to get his chargesmotivated.(该教练设法激励他的队员们。)
  • 27、However, it should be remembered that not everybody ismotivated by jobs that are high in independence, variety and responsibility.(然而,应该记住并不是每一个人都会被独立性强、工作内容多样且责任大的工作所激励。)


英 ['məʊtɪveɪtɪd] 美 [ˈmotɪvetɪd] 


