


更新时间:2025-03-03 06:38:14

  • 1、This Policy shall be voidable in the event ofmisrepresentation, misdescription or non-disclosure in any material particular.(被保险人如伪报、误报或隐瞒任何重要细节,本保险单应予无效。)
  • 2、I thought Ruffs best moment was when he caught Asa Hutchinson red-handed in a tellingmisrepresentation of fact.(我想,拉夫最高兴的时刻莫过于在阿萨·哈钦森严重歪曲事实时,当场揭穿他。)
  • 3、I have heard some malevolentmisrepresentation of her.(我听到一些来意曲解她的话。)
  • 4、This was amisrepresentation of the truth.(这对真理的扭曲。)
  • 5、Matters associated with the existence and fact of the agreement, such asmisrepresentation, mistake, fraud and duress, will be governed by the putative proper law.(与协议的存在和事实有关的事项,例如虚假陈述、误解、欺诈和强迫等,适用推定准据法。)
  • 6、The result is lots of passing tests that don't exercise the system, which leads to amisrepresentation of the code's health.(结果出现了许多不能检测系统的传递测试,这会导致对代码健康状态的误解。)
  • 7、It involves the same kind of cheating andmisrepresentation; and discovered cases are therefore treated with the same disciplinary severity.(它是同一类型的欺骗和曲解,一旦发现,将会受到同等严肃的惩处。)
  • 8、This part expounds the conception, character, manifestation ofmisrepresentation and cognizes its properties.(论述了虚假陈述的概念、特征、表现形式和对虚假陈述性质的认定。)
  • 9、As one of the infringements,misrepresentation contains false recordation, misleading representation and material omission.(虚假陈述是证券侵权行为之一,主要包括虚假记载、误导性陈述和重大遗漏。)
  • 10、Hismisrepresentation of the facts cause'd trouble.(他的错误报导引起了麻烦。)
  • 11、So which was it, misperception,misrepresentation, or misallocation?(那么误读,歪曲,抑或是分配不当到底谁是罪魁祸首呢?)
  • 12、In addition, the legal obligation ofmisrepresentation of identity shall be nailed down, and the relevant remedies shall be offered simultaneously.(另外,在法律层面上应及早明确自报身份虚假陈述的法律责任,同时制定相关的纠错程序及救济措施。)
  • 13、He now wants to Sue the magazine formisrepresentation.(现在他想以误导为由起诉那家杂志。)
  • 14、In the securities market, the violation of information disclosure obligation constitutesmisrepresentation.(在证券市场上,违反信息披露义务的行为构成虚假陈述。)
  • 15、misrepresentation is a kind of serious security fraud on security market.(虚假陈述行为是证券市场上一种严重的证券欺诈行为。)
  • 16、I have heard some malevolentmisrepresentation of him.(我已听到一些对他恶意曲解的话。)
  • 17、If saidmisrepresentation can be shown to be deliberate, the marriage contract is also immoral.(如果说这种误传可以被解释为故意的,那么婚姻契约就是邪恶的。)
  • 18、I never saw such a glaring example ofmisrepresentation.(我从未见过这样一个明显歪曲事实的例子。)
  • 19、If anymisrepresentation or concealment of fact will lead to disqualification, restitution in full of the total maintenance grants received or to be prosecuted.(如发觉申请人有意虚报或隐瞒事实,其申请资格将被取消,申请人并须退回全部已获得的资助及有可能会被检控。)
  • 20、I observed your disgust at themisrepresentation of these people on radio and TV, and in the newspapers.(我感到了你对广播和电视以及新闻报纸上对于这些人歪曲事实的报道感到厌恶。)
  • 21、This can lead to misinterpretation andmisrepresentation of the data contained in the enterprise data source.(这会导致对企业数据源中包含的数据的误解和误传。)
  • 22、A "misrepresentation" is a statement of fact that is untrue.(“虚假陈述”是一种对不真实事实的陈述。) (好工具
  • 23、This paper relates the original contents of the theory and corrects itsmisrepresentation in the past.(本文叙述了该理论的本来内容,纠正了对该理论的错误表述。)
  • 24、There are different views on the nature of civil liability formisrepresentation in financial reporting.(对于财务报告虚假陈述民事责任的性质,法学界存在不同的观点。)
  • 25、I wish to point out yourmisrepresentation of the facts.(我想指出你们对事实的曲解。)
  • 26、Therefore, it is urgent to perfect our civil liability system formisrepresentation to establish a healthy securities market.(因此,完善证券市场虚假陈述民事责任制度,是建立一个健康的证券市场的急需。)
  • 27、The civil liability of sponsors in the issuance of securities is to compensate the securities purchasers 'loss caused bymisrepresentation in the prospectus.(证券发行保荐责任是保荐人对证券发行虚假陈述给投资者造成的损失承担的赔偿责任。)
  • 28、They were told that lies include things like falsely agreeing with others and themisrepresentation of feelings.(研究人员还告知,对他人意见的苟同以及对情感的不实陈述都属于谎言的范围。)


英 [ˌmɪsˌreprɪzen'teɪʃn] 美 [ˌmɪsˌreprɪzen'teɪʃn] 


