- 1、Zhu Zaiyu, a famousmusicologist in the Ming dynasty, had made a significant contribution to abounding scientific and cultural treasure-house of the mankind. Since the establishment of P. R.(朱戢靖是明代著名的音乐理论家,在丰富人类的科学文化宝库方面作出了重大的贡献。)
- 2、Profession e. g. composer,musicologist, performer, etc.(作曲家,音乐家,演奏家等等。)
- 3、She was married to critic andmusicologist Aladar Toth (1898-1986 she is buried next to him in Budapest.(她嫁给了评论家和音乐阿拉达尔托特(1898至1986年);她被安葬在他旁边的布达佩斯。) hao86.com
- 4、Profession e. g. composer,musicologist, performer, etc. Performers please state instruments.(作曲家,音乐家,演奏家等等。演奏家请注明演奏乐器。)
- 5、Rakae Jamil, amusicologist with the Sanjan Nagar Institute of Philosophy and Arts in Lahore, says there is no doubt that Michael Jackson influenced the pop scene in Pakistan.(拉齐·贾米尔是拉合尔的桑贾恩。纳加尔哲学和艺术研究所的音乐理论家。他说,迈克尔·杰克逊影响了巴基斯坦的流行歌坛,这点是毫无疑问的。)
- 6、Andrew is a respectedmusicologist.(安德鲁是一位受人尊敬的音乐学家。)
- 7、Authority as a critic and as amusicologist was fully recognized.(权威评论家和音乐学家的充分承认。)
- 8、By his second wife, Julie Anne, also amusicologist, he had a son and daughter.(他的第二任妻子叫茱莉·安妮,也是一位音乐学家,与萨迪有一个儿子和一个女儿。)
- 9、Petra Gelbart, a Czech-born Romanimusicologist, says a common experience among job applicants is that those speaking accentless Czech and with unremarkable surnames easily get interviews.(出生于捷克的吉普赛人PetraGelbart是位音乐学家,他称求职者常遇到的问题是当他们没有口音,没有明显的吉普赛人姓名时通常会得到面试机会。)