好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的not-too-distant future的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条not-too-distant future的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了not-too-distant future的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、I am sure there will be big changes sometime in the not too distant future.(但我肯定,在不远的将来,将会有一些大变化。)
- 2、Just as sure as one can be that there will be more hurricanes, famines and wars in the world, there will be another market meltdown in thenot-too-distant future.(正如人们可以肯定的是,会有更多的飓风,在世界上的饥荒和战争,将是另一个在不太远的未来市场的崩溃。)
- 3、These programs already have radically altered facades and floor plans or are expected to do so in thenot-too-distant future.(些计划或者已经根本性地改变了博物馆门面与展厅的设计,或者预期在不久的将来会这样做。)
- 4、And yet China is already the world's third largest economy and will become the second largest in thenot-too-distant future. With that status comes a global responsibility.(尽管如此,中国已经是全世界第三大经济体,而且在不久的将来也会晋升世界第二位,这样的地位会带来更大的责任。)
- 5、If you administer a lot of Linux systems, or if you anticipate adding an over-2TB disk in thenot-too-distant future, you may want to consider doing a test installation with GPT.(如果您管理许多Linux系统,或者如果您打算在不久的将来添加一个超过2tb的磁盘,您可能想要使用GPT进行一个安装测试。)
- 6、The point is that in thenot-too-distant future, advances in technology will make it possible and much safer for us to be distracted by technology while we're driving.(问题的关键是,在不太遥远的将来,技术的进步将有可能和更安全,我们要以科技分心,而我们驾驶。)
- 7、I suspect that in thenot-too-distant future, backyard gardeners like myself will have the option of planting genetically modified trees that offer the elusive dream of home-grown organic apples.(我猜想,在不远的将来,像我这样的后花园种植者会有机会种植转基因作物来实现自己种植有机食品的难以理解的梦想。)
- 8、We would like to enlarge the building in thenot-too-distant future, but this is by no means definite.(我们想要在不远的将来扩大图书馆的建筑规模,但是这个计划还不确定。)
- 9、Taking place in thenot-too-distant future, mankind is on the brink of extinction.(故事发生于不太遥远的将来,人类快要濒临灭绝。)
- 10、He said he hopes Chinese will be taught in district schools at some point in thenot-too-distant future.(他说他希望在不久的将来,地方学校可以开设中文课。)
- 11、One day in thenot-too-distant future, one of these suits will enable us all to have superhuman strength, speed and endurance.(有一天,在不太遥远的将来,这些诉讼之一,将使我们所有有超人的力量,速度和耐力。) haO86.com
- 12、One of the country's most senior doctors has warned that obesity will overtake alcohol as the main cause of liver cirrhosis in the "not too distant future".(英国最资深的一名医生警告说,在“不久的将来”,肥胖将超过酒精,成为导致肝硬化的主要原因。)
- 13、In the hopefully not too distant future, the RFID chip will be embedded in the fish food container already.(希望在不久的将来,射频芯片会内置在鱼食罐儿里。)
- 14、We hope to go there in thenot-too-distant future.(我们希望在不久的将来去那儿一趟。)
- 15、There is little doubt, however, that things will improve in the not too distant future.(然而毋庸置疑的是,事情在不远的将来会有改观。)
- 16、The person added that Mr. Cook may be appointed to Apple's board in thenot-too-distant future.(库克可能会在不久的将来被任命为苹果的董事。)
- 17、Thereason the companies I mentioned before are all at risk is because theyall have founder/leaders who have either just left or will likely leavein thenot-too-distant future.(我上面提到的公司之所以有点危险,就在于它们的创始人最近已经或者在不远的将来将要离开:RalphLauren不可能把火炬永远举下去;)
- 18、I am sure I will buy an autonomous car for our family in the not too distant future.(我相信在不久的将来我一定会给家里买一辆无人驾驶的汽车。)
- 19、Stop me if you've heard this treatment before: One day, in thenot-too-distant future, you'll be able to pay for anything with your digital wallet.(如果您以前听过这句话,那就当我没说:在不久的将来,您将能够使用数字钱包进行一切支付活动。)
- 20、It should be a date that is in thenot-too-distant future, lest you lose your motivation, but one far enough away that you've had time to lay the groundwork.(这一天不能选得过于遥远,免得在此期间就失去动力了。但要留够做好准备工作的时间。)
- 21、But many Marine experts have been saying for several years that we need to start loving jellyfish - because in the not too distant future, they may be the most plentiful Marine species around.(但是,多年来,许多海洋专家一直在说,我们需要开始热爱水母——因为在不远的将来,它们也许是我们周围最丰富的海洋物种。)
- 22、They see a day in thenot-too-distant future when all autos will be abandoned and allowed to rust.(他们认为在不久的将来,所有的汽车都将被废弃,任其生锈。)
- 23、With support of other SRC member companies, production FeDRAM chips may come to market in thenot-too-distant future, though no particular timetable has been given.(在SRC成员公司的支持下,FeDRAM的量产会在不久的将来到来,尽管没有给出确切的时间表。)
- 24、With the latter, the chances of an even more severe recession (even stagflation) in thenot-too-distant future increase dramatically.(而后者会极大的增加在不远的未来更严重萧条(甚至是滞胀)的可能性。)
- 25、A validated DNA test system for hair colour shall become available for forensic research in the not too distant future.(在不远的将来,一套具有完备的DNA发色检测的系统将被研发,便于法医研究使用。)
- 26、Casseri said he hopes that Chinese will be taught in Lew - Port schools in thenot-too-distant future and that this initial exchange program will expand greatly in future years.(卡塞利校长还说,他希望在不远的将来伯特中学将会开设中文课,而这刚刚起步的交流项目也能在将来继续下去。)