好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的nothing but的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条nothing but的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了nothing but的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、His biography isnothing but self-regarding nonsense.(他的传记只不过是自命不凡的一派胡言。)
- 2、Below him wasnothing but a black void.(他下面只是一片漆黑。)
- 3、All that money broughtnothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.(那些钱带来的只有悲哀、苦难和不幸。)
- 4、I want to donothing but sleep.(我除了睡觉什么都不想干。)
- 5、We've hadnothing but trouble with this car.(我们这辆车净出毛病。)
- 6、The whole story isnothing but a pack of lies.(整个叙述只不过是一派谎言。)
- 7、They donothing but bow to play mobile phones.(他们什么也不做,只是低头玩手机。)
- 8、I havenothing but praise for the police.(我对警察只有赞扬。)
- 9、He saidnothing but just went on working.(他什么都不说只是不停地干活。)
- 10、Previous students have hadnothing but praise for the course content and staff.(以前的学生们对该课程的内容和教师只有称赞。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 11、He is focused onnothing but winning.(他只关注胜利。)
- 12、I wantnothing but the best for my children.(我只是想给我的孩子们最好的。)
- 13、Newspaper reporters were givennothing but the bare facts by the superintendent in charge of the investigation.(报社记者们只提供了负责该项调查的监管人所提供的一些简要事实。)
- 14、You'll buynothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.(你如果买了那幢房子,买到的只有麻烦,相信我的话。)
- 15、I wantnothing but raiment and daily bread.(我只要温饱,别无他求。)
- 16、She feltnothing but hatred for her attacker.(她对攻击她的人只有恨。)
- 17、It didnothing but make us ridiculous.(它只是让我们显得可笑。)
- 18、You'renothing but a pack of cards!(你们只不过是一副扑克牌!)
- 19、nothing but a miracle can save her now.(现在只有出现奇迹才能救活她。)
- 20、He listened and heardnothing but the echoes of his own voice in the cave.(他听了听,除了自己声音在山洞里的回响什么都没听见。)
- 21、Fame brought hernothing but misery.(名声只给她带来了痛苦。)
- 22、We havenothing but praise for the way they handled the investigation.(对于他们处理调查的方式我们唯有赞赏。)
- 23、He saidnothing but gave me a sly grin that made me feel terribly uneasy.(他什么也没说,只朝我狡黠地咧嘴一笑,令我感到极为不安。)
- 24、She could donothing but spout insults.(她只会没完没了地骂人。)
- 25、Daisy isnothing but a teacher.(黛西只不过是个老师。)
- 26、There'snothing but junk on the TV.(电视上全是些无聊的东西。)
- 27、He'snothing but a liar and a fraud.(他只不过是个撒谎者和骗子。)
- 28、He started withnothing but raw talent and determination.(他起家时只有天生的才能和决心。)
- 29、He'snothing but a no-good bum!(他不过是个没用的懒汉。)