


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:04:16

  • 1、Other subjects boosted particularneuron activity by chanting the name of the person out loud.(其他的测试者通过大声念咒人的名字来提高特种神经元的活力。)
  • 2、Like many other agents that affectneuron firing, adenosine must first bind to specific receptors onneuronal membranes.(像许多其他影响神经元放电的物质一样,腺苷必须首先与神经元膜上的特定受体结合。)
  • 3、The opened pore allows electrical current to flow, and theneuron fires an electrical impulse.(电流会在打开的毛孔中流动,而神经细胞会发射一个个电脉冲。)
  • 4、Instead, what we see is a different pattern from everyneuron.(相反,我们看到的每个神经元的样式不尽相同。)
  • 5、Depending on the weights, the computation of theneuron will be different.(权重不同,神经元的计算结果也就不同。)
  • 6、New research in the magazineneuron suggests that a person will get a super memory with just six weeks of hard training.(《神经元》杂志上的一项新研究表明,一个人只需六周的艰苦训练就能获得超强的记忆力。)
  • 7、The work appears in the March 27 issue of the journalneuron.(这项研究出现在3月27日的《神经》期刊上。)
  • 8、To simulate a singleneuron takes the computing power equivalent of a laptop.(模拟单个神经元所需要的计算能力相当于一台笔记本电脑。)
  • 9、the fundamental structural and functional unit of the nervous system is theneuron;(神经元是神经系统基本的结构单位和功能单位;)
  • 10、Mental and physical exercise, for instance, both boostneuron survival.(例如,脑力和体育锻炼都被认为能提升神经元存活率。)
  • 11、Eachneuron seems to be more effective.(每个神经元似乎更为有效。)
  • 12、Telling oneneuron from another under the microscope is not easy.(在显微镜下区分神经元的不同之处是件难事。)
  • 13、And this makes the point that oneneuron shown here is very important.(因此我们可以得出,这里看到的一个神经元非常重要。)
  • 14、The findings were published in the journalneuron.(这一研究成果发表在《神经元》杂志上。)
  • 15、The current issue ofneuron features a new study on selective memory erasure.(有关神经元的话题引起了人们对消除记忆开展新研究。)
  • 16、The results were published Dec. 9 in the journalneuron.(研究结果发表于12月9号的《神经元》杂志。)
  • 17、These findings will be published in the Aug. 2 issue ofneuron.(这些研究发表在2007年8月2日出版的《神经元》(neuron)杂志上。)
  • 18、The term 'neuron' was introduced in 1891.(“神经元”这个词是在1891年被引进的。)
  • 19、Eachneuron in the worm's brain is known, and is assigned a three letter name.(每个蛔虫脑内的神经元都是已知的,都被编成三个字母的名称。)
  • 20、Adenosine normally depressesneuron firing in many areas of the brain.(腺苷通常会抑制大脑许多区域的神经元活动。)
  • 21、What does the new research in the magazineneuron suggest?(《神经元》杂志上的新研究表明了什么?)
  • 22、It apparently does this by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that carry nerve impulses from oneneuron to the next.(它显然是通过抑制神经递质的释放来做到这一点的。神经递质是一种将神经冲动从一个神经元传递到另一个神经元的化学物质。)
  • 23、The scientific nitty-gritty appears in the journalneuron this week.(科学真相刊登在了本周的“神经元”期刊上。)
  • 24、We have thoughts in our minds that are more than the sum of allneuron activity.(我们脑子里所形成的各种想法也不等同于全部神经元活动的成果。)
  • 25、neuron, 2010; 68 (5): 835 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.11.009.(《神经元》.2010;68(5):835DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.11.009.)
  • 26、Let me play for you, what thisneuron recording sounds like.(我来给大家播放一下这种神经元的录音。)
  • 27、When the npr-1 gene is active, itsneuron becomes unavailable to its local circuit.(中性蛋白酶-1活跃时,神经元无法控制其局部回路。)
  • 28、One interesting thing aboutneurons is aneuron is like a gun.(神经元有趣的一点在于,神经元就像把枪一样。)


英 [ˈnjʊərɒn] 美 [ˈnʊrɑ:n] 

形容词: neuronal 副词: neuronically 异体字: neurone

