
hot dog

hot dog造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:11:52

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的hot dog的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条hot dog的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了hot dog的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Thehot dog is yummy!(热狗很好吃哦!)
  • 2、He bought ahot dog and had it covered with all the fixings.(他买了一个热狗,在上面撒满了各种配菜。)
  • 3、Eating ahot dog every day can increase your risk of colorectal cancer by 21 percent.(每天一根热狗将使你罹患直肠癌的概率升高21%。)
  • 4、During one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the restaurant to have ahot dog.(在一次午餐时间,我和我的朋友丹尼去餐馆吃热狗。)
  • 5、It is widely believed howhot dog had its name.(人们普遍相信热狗的名字是这么来的。)
  • 6、Lydia Rodie: "New York City pigeons scrambling for a piece of ahot dog bun."(ydiaRodie:“纽约市的鸽子在抢食一片热狗面包。”)
  • 7、He wants to have ahot dog.(他想要一条热狗。)
  • 8、In fact,hot dog consumption may be as bad for you as smoking.(事实上,热狗对你健康的负面影响并不亚于吸烟。)
  • 9、He dropped hishot dog on the pavement and someone's dog ate it, mustard and all.(他把热狗掉在了街上,然后不知谁的狗给吃了,连带芥末全都吃了个精光。)
  • 10、Could you give me ahot dog and a milkshake?(你能给我一份热狗和一杯奶昔吗?)
  • 11、1871 Charles Feltman, a German, started the first Coney Islandhot dog stand.(1871年,德国人查尔斯·费尔特曼在科尼岛办了第一家热狗摊。)
  • 12、Can I have ahot dog, please?(请给我一份热狗。)
  • 13、Ty asks how to defrost ahot dog bun.(泰问如何解冻热狗面包。)
  • 14、At a ballgame, you have ahot dog.(看一场球赛,你会吃一个热狗。)
  • 15、The very firsthot dog — the "dachshund" sausage in a roll — was sold by Germans in New York.(第一个热狗——“腊肠狗”香肠卷,由德国人在纽约出售。)
  • 16、No, Darning. That's ahot dog.(不,大明,那是一个热狗。)
  • 17、Have ahot dog!(吃个热狗!)
  • 18、How often do you indulge in ahot dog?(你现在还依旧对热狗沉迷不已吗?)
  • 19、Should we have testing at Nathan'shot dog places?(我们要在内森热狗店设检测点么?)
  • 20、But life is not ahot dog eating contest.(但是生活不是一场热狗竞吃大赛。)
  • 21、How much did thehot dog cost?(买热狗花了多少钱?)
  • 22、He's a realhot dog.(他是个十足的惊险动作运动员。) (好工具
  • 23、The phone rings: Ty asking how to defrost ahot dog bun.(此时电话响了:是泰,他问如何解冻热狗面包。)
  • 24、That's two hamburgers, ahot dog and three colas.(两个汗堡,一个热狗三个可乐。)
  • 25、He wanted to draw a picture of it, but he wasn't sure how to spell "dachshund", so he simply wrote "hot dog".(他想给它画一张图,但是他不知道如何拼写“dachshund”,所以他就简单地写了“HotDog”。)
  • 26、I will have ahot dog and a milkshake, please.(我想来一个热狗和一份奶昔,谢谢。)
  • 27、I want ahot dog, please.(我想要一个热狗。)
hot dog基本释义

hot dog

英 [hɔt dɔɡ] 美 [hɑt dɔɡ] 

异体字: hotdog

热狗; 红肠面包
