好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的hold down的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条hold down的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了hold down的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、He never couldhold down a job.(他从来就保不住自己的工作。)
- 2、hold down Shift + click on the working area (outside the document area).(按住Shift键的同时点击文档区域之外的工作区。)
- 3、For example,hold down Cmd + scroll up will navigate to right.(Hold举个例子,按住Cmd键再向上滑动鼠标滚轮可以向右侧浏览文档。)
- 4、It wants to lessen its dollar exposure, but it also wants tohold down the yuan.(他想减少对美元的依赖,但是他仍然想稳定人民币。)
- 5、International competition forces producers everywhere to become more efficient andhold down prices.(国际范围的竞争迫使世界各地的制造商在降价方面越来越有效率。)
- 6、hold down Shift and press arrow Up or down will change value in 10 interval.(按住Shift键的同时按向上或向下键可以一次改变10个单位的数值。)
- 7、hold down Opt + drag within the layers palette can also duplicate layers.(按下opt键的同时在层调板拖动也可以复制层。)
- 8、Despite her handicap, Jane is able tohold down a full-time job.(简尽管有生理缺陷,却能够保住一份全职工作。)
- 9、One character, Biff, could neverhold down a job.(其中的一个角色,比夫,总是不能保住工作。)
- 10、I have tohold down my post.(我得设法保住我的职位。) hao86.com
- 11、In other words, the Fed had tohold down interest rates.(换言之,美联储不得不压低利率。)
- 12、hold down the Left (or Right) Alt key.(按住左(或者右)alt键。)
- 13、If you have the Brush tool selected,hold down Opt key will quickly activate the Eyedropper tool.(如果你已经选择了笔刷工具,按住opt键可以快速启动吸管工具。)
- 14、hold down the "Volume down" button as you power the phone back on.(按住“音量降低键”,开机。)
- 15、Even this has an upside, since it has helped tohold down inflation in places like London.(甚至,这也还有一个好处,便是有助于抑制诸如伦敦等地的通货膨胀。)
- 16、"I'llhold down the fort until he's back," Clark said.(“在他回来之前我会代他处理事务,”克拉克说。)
- 17、A lot of peoplehold down several jobs at once and are still poor.(也有许多人同时有几分工作但仍然贫穷。)
- 18、Cheap Labour on the doorstep has also helped tohold down costs at home.(家门口的廉价劳动力也有效控制了国内的劳动力成本。)
- 19、I used tohold down a full-time job whilst being busy and active outside work.(我曾经拥有一份全职工作,同时也积极而繁忙的参与其他外部工作。)
- 20、Since his release, he has struggled tohold down a job.(自从刑满释放之后,他便努力维护自己的工作。)
- 21、Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting tohold down the younger generation.(人人都认为有个要压制年轻一代的大阴谋。)
- 22、My business partner willhold down the fort for me when I'm on vacation.(在我度假期间,我的合作伙伴代替我处理一切事务。)
- 23、This will help tohold down global prices-although possibly by less than in the past.(这也将有助于抑制全球价格的上升——尽管可能不可能像从前那样。)
- 24、Even if Japan is not intervening tohold down its currency, the yen is still misaligned.(即便日本没有通过干预压低币值,日元还是被低估了。)
- 25、He was unable tohold down a job after his breakdown.(他精神崩溃以后就没能保住工作。)