
honored with

honored with造句

更新时间:2024-06-17 12:03:55

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的honored with的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条honored with的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了honored with的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Celebrated British actor and former "007" Roger Moore ishonored with a star on Hollywood's "Walk of Fame."(庆祝英国演员,曾饰演〇〇七情报员的罗杰·摩尔,获得好莱坞星光大道留名的殊荣。)
  • 2、Allvar Gullstrand washonored with a Nobel Prize.(奥瓦尔·古斯特兰德荣获诺贝尔奖。)
  • 3、Volunteers werehonored with the song, I Am a Star.(志愿者们有着一首他们引以为豪的歌——我是明星。)
  • 4、She has beenhonored with numerous awards and has performed all over the world. She appears often on Hindi television and in films.(获奖无数的她,还在北印度的电视和电影中频频亮相。)
  • 5、Heshun ishonored with the oldest international business brand in Yunnan Province.(和顺拥有云南最古老的跨国商号。)
  • 6、Ernest Borgnine was the first person to thank his father,honored with the Best Actor Academy Award for "Marty" (1955).(第一个在获奖感言中“感谢父亲”的演员——欧尼斯·鲍基尼。鲍基尼因出演1955年的《君子好逑》问鼎奥斯卡影帝。)
  • 7、Now, each one of them ishonored with a signature design in the Limited Edition Oris Jazz Series.(现在,他们每个人很荣幸的在限量版豪利时爵士系列标志性设计。)
  • 8、Anna Jarvis thought mothers should behonored with expressions of love and respect.(安娜·贾维斯认为母亲们应该受到爱和敬意般情感的尊重。)
  • 9、The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou ishonored with the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her contribution in treating malaria.(中国科学家屠呦呦获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖以表彰其在治疗疟疾方面所做出的贡献。)
  • 10、He washonored with a scholarship.(他获得了奖学金。)
  • 11、Is this the only reply I'm to behonored with?(这就是我有幸得到的唯一回答吗?)
  • 12、The show was alsohonored with the Grammy for Best Musical Theater Album.(该节目还荣获了格莱美最佳音乐剧专辑奖。)
  • 13、The brave knight washonored with an invitation to the royal castle.(那位勇敢的骑士很荣幸地获得了进人皇家城堡的邀请函。)
  • 14、The legacy of Abraham Lincoln ishonored with many must-see sites that dot the region.(亚伯拉罕。林肯的遗产很荣幸的在一些显眼的位置,这些遗产点缀了这个地区。)
  • 15、When he turned 70 in 2012, Stephen Hawking washonored with a special exhibit at London's Science Museum.(当2012年迎来自己70岁的时候,斯蒂芬·霍金获得了伦敦科学博物馆的特别展览这项殊荣。)
  • 16、In 2002 he washonored with the Award of Letter-Arts-Culture by the International Society of Greek Writers.(2002年获希腊国际作家协会颁发的“文化-艺术-文学奖”。)
  • 17、Former Rockets GM Carroll Dawson ishonored with a banner of his initials inside the Toyota Center.(火箭队前任总经理卡罗尔·道森的姓名大写字母横幅也被悬挂在丰田中心以示表彰。)
  • 18、Prince William has beenhonored with the annual "Beard of the Year" award after sporting thick facial hair over the Christmas period (see photo).(威廉王子圣诞期间以满脸胡须的造型亮相,这帮他获得了“年度胡须奖”,成为拥有全英最美胡须的男士(见图)。)
  • 19、So should the ladies who werehonored with Best Actress nods this year be worried?(那么,今年那些荣幸地获得最佳女主角提名的女士们是否都该有所担心?)
  • 20、He has beenhonored with some of the highest recognitions in business.(他已经获得了一些商业的最高荣誉。)
  • 21、As such, requests to discontinue oxygen should behonored with the same judiciousness as requests to withdraw other forms of life support.(就其本身而言,撤氧请求应该像撤消其他形式的生命支持一样用同样的聪明睿智得到尊重。)
  • 22、The Third Annual of Chinese Critics,honored with the Award of Artist;(获第三届中国批评家年会年度艺术家奖;)
  • 23、Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Today ishonored with everybody here doing work recently.(女士们、先生们,大家晚上好!今天很荣幸在这里跟大家做前段时间工作的汇报。)
  • 24、Greer Garson was the first person to thank her mother,honored with the Best Actress Oscar for "Mrs. Miniver" (1942).(第一个在获奖感言中“感谢母亲”的演员——葛丽·嘉逊。嘉逊因出演1942年的《忠勇之家》问鼎奥斯卡影后。)
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