- 1、And anyway you know nothing is permanent, everything isimpermanent, that you know.(总之,你们知道没有任何事是永恒的,每一件事物都是无常的。)
- 2、Why should one even stretch out one hand to hold to the world, if it isimpermanent?(如果世界是短暂的话,那么为什么人要伸出一只手来抓住世界?)
- 3、It itself is very temporary, and therefore its excesses have to be, by definition,impermanent.(“它本身是非常暂时的,因此它的过激行为都必须根据定义,永恒的”。)
- 4、Gudo smiled. 'Everything in this life isimpermanent' he explained.(Gudo笑道:“世事无常,人生短暂。”)
- 5、Something of a shaky orimpermanent nature.(用于表示一种暂时的、不长久的特性。)
- 6、Thee world is in continuous flux and isimpermanent.(世界变迁不已,并非是常久不变的。)
- 7、The academic association tasty solitude also knew life ofimpermanent, the invisible of the life.(学会品味孤独也就懂得了人生的无常,生活的无形。)
- 8、You may say to yourself that they areimpermanent, but you perceive them as permanent.(你或许对自己说它们“无常”,但你以“常”认知它们。)
- 9、My body isimpermanent so I need to accept the pain at that very moment and then let that thought go.(身体是无常的,所以当疼痛发生时,我应该接受它,并且放下“痛”的念头。)
- 10、All condition areimpermanent, they are of the nature of arising and ceasing.(一切的缘皆是无常的,他们的本质是生与灭。)
- 11、Because the wisdom is that we know that our life isimpermanent.(这其中蕴涵的智慧是:我们了知我们的生命是无常的。)
- 12、An event such as this reminds us of theimpermanent nature of our lives.(这样的事件提醒我们生活的无常本质。)
- 13、Second, making "five-year system"impermanent connect mode from middle to high vocational school.(第二,将“五年一贯制”作为中高职衔接的过渡模式;)
- 14、Oral communication is fast-moving andimpermanent.(口头交流速度快但持续时间短。)
- 15、You all know from your experience howimpermanent the world is.(你凭你的经验完全知道世界是多么短暂。) Hao86.com
- 16、The law of the universe is only one it will never change, that's all changing, everything isimpermanent.(宇宙间只有一个永不改变的法则,那就是一切都在改变,一切都是无常。)
- 17、This kind of world is illusory andimpermanent.(这个世界是虚幻和短暂的。)
- 18、Because it's allimpermanent, everyone and everything in this world, one day will change.(这世界中的任何人、任何事,有一天终究是会改变的。)
- 19、According to Buddhist beliefs, everything isimpermanent - everything is always changing.(根据佛教的信仰,一切皆无常——万物都在不断变化。)
- 20、We are reminded just how small and howimpermanent we are.(我们刚被提醒,我们多么渺小,我们的生命又是多么短暂。)
- 21、Life isimpermanent, so we must seize every moment and reflect on ourselves each day.(人生是很无常的,所以要把握时间。)
- 22、So we have to have this wisdom that life isimpermanent.(所以,我们都应该有这样的智慧,了解生命的无常。)
- 23、At darkimpermanent just pardoned to quit of, the apartment door rang to get up.(就在黑无常刚刚告退之时,宿舍门响了起来。)
- 24、The mind, in fact, is as empty, asimpermanent, and as transient as a dream.(我们的心其实是空幻的、无常的,如梦般空虚短暂。)
- 25、Why am I so concerned withimpermanent things?(为什么我如此忧虑无常的东西呢?)