- 1、Transient immobilization and starvation add to thisimpost on the skeletal muscle mass.(暂时的卧床和饥饿更加重了这种骨胳肌的消耗。) hAo86.com
- 2、Although tea's unpopularity was usually attributed to its high price, its popularity remained low even after temperance advocates succeeded in getting theimpost halved.(尽管人们很少喝茶是因为价格贵,可即使是适当禁酒主义者通过活动把茶叶关税降低了一半后,喝茶的人还是不多。)
- 3、I said that no one has the right toimpost his views on others.(我说任何人都无权把自己的意见强加于人。)
- 4、Exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax, duty,impost and fees.(免除任何码头费及任何出口税、关税、进口税费。)
- 5、Whether they bear the name VAT tax, sales tax, poll tax, duty,impost, excise, capitation, flat, stamp, or whatever other name, they nevertheless all remain either a direct tax or an indirect tax.(无论背上增值税、销售税、人头税,税,税款,海关计酬、单位、邮票、或其它什么名字,但一切仍是直接税或间接税。)
- 6、The prices quoted above do not include any taxes. duties,impost and any other charges of any kind which may be levied in China.(以上所指地价格并不包括在中国境内所征收地各种税款、关税、进口税以及其他各种费用。)