好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的ice cube的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条ice cube的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了ice cube的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Anice cube!(一个冰块!)
- 2、Fillice cube trays with lemon juice.(在制冰盒中装满柠檬汁。)
- 3、Thefact that theice cube floats is the first oddity.(漂浮的冰块是第一个谜。)
- 4、It has small, medium and largeice cube options.(它小型,中型和大型冰块选项。)
- 5、I call it theice cube.(我叫它冰块。)
- 6、A closed system would be, for instance, a glass of ice water with anice cube in it, with the lid on top.(一个封闭系统可以是,比如说,一杯放了一个冰块的冰水,顶上加了盖子。)
- 7、Change that by placing anice cube in the center of the rice and then wrapping the top with plastic wrap, with a few punctures of course, before reheating it.(改变一下吧,在米饭中间放一块冰块,然后盖上保鲜膜,当然,加热之前还要在保鲜膜上戳几个孔。)
- 8、Put anice cube in each glass.(每一个玻璃杯内放入一冰块。)
- 9、If you needice cube please contact housekeeping.(如您需要冰块,请与客房中心联系。)
- 10、For a more subtle approach, how about the Titanicice cube tray.(有一个微妙的办法,把泰坦尼克号的冰雕模型放在托盘里。)
- 11、Leftover parsley can be added to chicken or beef broth that has been diluted and put in yourice cube tray.(剩下的部分可以加入鸡肉或牛肉汤里制成小方冰块。)
- 12、On Buddha nature: If you have theice cube, you don't need to look for water.(关于佛性:如果你已经有冰块,你不需要再去寻找水。)
- 13、The man inice cube box was risking his life there. Could be fatally freezing his internal organs without a chance to revert it.(冰槽中的那个人是拿生命冒险啊。这可能会冻坏他的内脏并造成不可挽回的伤害啊!)
- 14、Letting anice cube melt in the dent and then brushing it out when it's wet and soft will solve that unsightly problem.(放一小块冰块在有压痕的地方融化,趁地毯湿软刷一下凹陷的地方,老大难问题变迎刃而解。) Hao86.com
- 15、Would you get me someice cube, please?(您能给我一些冰块吗?)
- 16、So a closed system would be, for instance, a glass of ice water with anice cube in it, with the lid on top.(因此闭系可以是,比如说,一杯放了,一个冰块的冰水,顶上加了盖子。)
- 17、This isn't only reserved for kids. Give anyone who doesn't like the taste of medicine anice cube to numb their tongue beforehand.(这不唯独是小孩子的权益,凡有人不喜欢药的味道,就给块冰,吃药前让舌头先麻木了。)
- 18、I show you how to build anice cube using material displacement, refraction, transparency, reflection, and specular highlights.(我向您展示了如何构建一个冰块使用材料流离失所,折射,透明度,反射和镜面高光。)
- 19、But like a meltingice cube, the bank’s franchise value would rapidly shrink as depositors, counterparties and staff all left.(但此举无异于融化的冰块,在存款人,结算对手和员工都离去的情况下,该银行的特许权价值将跌到谷底。)
- 20、Then, we animate the rotation of theice cube and prepare it for After Effects where we will add the rest of the elements for the final piece.(然后,我们制作动画的冰块旋转,并准备在它的影响,我们将加入他们的最后一块的其余内容。)
- 21、You'll need a plastic mold. You can either use a noveltyice cube tray or small ice cream molds, or you can also use used plastic jello or pudding cups.(你需要一个塑料模具,可以是一个造型新颖的冰格盘,或者小的冰淇淋模具,你还可以选用塑料果冻杯或者布丁杯。)
- 22、She sucked anice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.(她把一冰块儿含在嘴里,并嘎吱嘎吱地大声嚼起来。)
- 23、With the help of anice cube, gently rub the ice on her back and as the ice melts off her.(需要用一小块儿冰,轻轻地用冰块摩擦她的后背,让它在她身上慢慢融化。)
- 24、Bet you never thought of this one -ice cube trays are ideal for organizing small items like earrings 6, sewing materials, or office supplies.(我敢打赌你从未想过——像冰一样的方块容器是容纳小东西的理想选择例如耳环,缝纫物品,或办公室必需品。)
- 25、There's the water phase, there's theice cube is the solid phase, and there's some water, gas, vapor, and that's one bar.(里面放一块冰,这是固态,于是我们得到了水,冰和水蒸气三态共存的点。)
- 26、Fillice cube trays with lemon juice. Once frozen, store the cubes in a plastic resealable bag. This way you always have fresh lemon juice on hand.(在制冰盒中装满柠檬汁。冷冻后,把冰块储放在可再次密封的塑料袋中。这样你在手边随时都有新鲜的柠檬汁。)