
in hot pursuit

in hot pursuit造句

更新时间:2024-06-24 12:10:44

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的in hot pursuit的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条in hot pursuit的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in hot pursuit的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The third figure is that of an enemyin hot pursuit while the divine Defender still stands by, and he is not left alone.(在第三幅图画里,我们看见一个仇敌紧紧地追逐着他,同时仍有护卫的神站在他的身旁,所以他并不孤独。)
  • 2、He wasin hot pursuit of his own answer and there were no quaint solutions.(他只是穷追不舍地寻找自己的答案,但是却没有奇特而有趣的解决办法。)
  • 3、When all the Israelites who had hidden in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines were on the run, they joined the battlein hot pursuit.(那藏在以法莲山地的以色列人听说非利士人逃跑,就出来紧紧地追杀他们。)
  • 4、She sped away in her car with journalistsin hot pursuit.(她开车迅速离去,记者们则在后面穷追不舍。)
  • 5、British tabloids arein hot pursuit of "Original Guy," the hacker who took credit for Posting the current crop.(英国小报正在积极地探寻“始作俑者”,即发布这些照片的黑客。)
  • 6、We rushed out of the shopin hot pursuit, but the thief had vanished into thin air.(我们赶紧跑出商店,拼命追赶,但那小偷已经无影无踪了。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 7、With Chelseain hot pursuit of one, if not two world class front men, it's easy to do the math and come up with the RVN answer.(随着切尔西对锋线球员的追逐,如果没有两名世界级的前锋的选择,那么很容易作出的选择就是范尼。)
  • 8、Kongming abandoned his carriage and retreated across the bridge on horseback, Zhang Renin hot pursuit.(孔明弃了四轮车,上马退走过桥。张任从背后赶来。)
  • 9、However, other small-carat diamond auction and exhibition held in conjunction with the diamonds of small diamonds, has beenin hot pursuit.(然而其他小克拉钻石拍品,以及同期举行的钻石展览会上的小型钻石,却受到追捧。)
  • 10、The pickpocket ran off, with members of the publicin hot pursuit.(扒手逃走了,群众在后面紧紧追赶。)
  • 11、Lincoln brand luxury sedans Zheliang extended session in EVS25 show and shine the parade of new energy vehicles, pure electric car enthusiasts arein hot pursuit.(这辆林肯牌豪华加长轿车在EVS25届展会和新能源汽车巡游中大放异彩,受到纯电动汽车爱好者的热烈追捧。)
  • 12、The cat runs upstairs, with mein hot pursuit.(猫跑在楼上,我紧追不舍中。)
  • 13、At one time, in Greenland, it was the fashion for the husband to make a show of stealing his wife, her relatives comingin hot pursuit, and the lady a willing victim.(在格陵兰岛,过去曾经流行过丈夫偷妻的风俗,虽然新娘的亲友们在后面苦苦追赶,而新娘则是一个心甘情愿的受害者。)
  • 14、Whenever I tossed out a Frisbee for him to chase, he'd take offin hot pursuit but then seem to lose track of it.(每当我扔出一个飞盘让他追的话,他就会起飞,穷追不舍,但那似乎失去联系。)
  • 15、Good writing most often occurs when you arein hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.(优秀的文章通常诞生在你热切寻找一个灵感的时候,而不是在你紧张地寻找错误的时候。)
  • 16、In another instant his dog dashed byin hot pursuit, and knocked heavily against his master's legs.(他的狗瞬间就冲过去紧追不舍,却重重地撞在了主人的腿上。)
  • 17、So all the others dropped out and the one dog kept onin hot pursuit of that little rabbit.(于是其它狗都退出了,而那只狗继续猛烈地追逐着那只小兔子。)
  • 18、Arlo guthrie brought backin hot pursuit, and shouted: "I'm not your enemy, also not be fierce beast, not vexatious tough specimen, why you want to leave me?"(阿罗在后面苦苦追赶,并且大声叫喊:「我又不是你的仇人,也不是凶猛的野兽,更不是无理取闹的莽汉,你为什么要躲避我?。)
  • 19、With cutting-edge technology, your enemies just got a lot more dangerous and they can not only destroy your cover, but also dodge bullets and stayin hot pursuit.(由于尖端技术,您的敌人只有变得更危险,他们不仅可以摧毁您的掩体,而且还能在紧追中避开子弹。)
  • 20、The pop stars ran from the theatre to their car, with dozens of fansin hot pursuit.(那几位流行歌星从剧场出来直奔自己的汽车,后面有数十歌迷紧紧追赶。)
  • 21、Rush through traffic, conquer multiple racing events, and outrun copsin hot pursuit to become the Champion Road Racer!(冲闯过交通,征服多样的竞赛事件,而且跑得更快(远)热的追求警官变成冠军道路叁赛者!)
  • 22、Whilein hot pursuit of a bank robber he ends up being responsible for the death of his colleague.(虽然在银行劫匪紧追他结束了正在为他的同事的死亡负责。)
  • 23、Exchange bonds, in particular the majority interest bonds, is being more and more stockin hot pursuit of the diversion of funds.(交易所债券尤其是国债的多数股权,被越来越多的挪用资金追捧的股票。)
  • 24、Today I win the champion. I'm first thankful to those unknown cats that are always runningin hot pursuit for me.(我能得冠军,首先感谢那么多默默无闻的猫多年来对我的穷追不舍!)
  • 25、Some 20-somethings, supposed to dedicate themselves to studies, arein hot pursuit of fashion.(一些年轻人,应该积极投身研究,是时尚的穷追不舍。)
  • 26、From the eighties of last century to enter our country, has beenin hot pursuit of the many lovers.(这项运动从上个世纪八十年代进入我国,受到了众多爱好者的追捧。)
  • 27、On the one hand, market has beenin hot pursuit of better quality, more sophisticated products.(一方面,市场一直在炎热的追求更好的质量,更先进的产品。)
in hot pursuit基本释义

in hot pursuit

英 [in hɔt pəˈsju:t] 美 [ɪn hɑt pɚˈsut] 

