好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的in large numbers的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条in large numbers的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in large numbers的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、Intel's ability to deliver good enough chipsin large numbers meant profits no longer had to be Shared with secondary manufacturers.(英特尔大规模生产质量过硬的芯片的能力意味着他们不再需要和二级生产商分享利润了。)
- 2、This involved retrofitting - installing lagging -in large numbers of public buildings.(这包括对大量公共建筑进行翻修,并加装隔热层。)
- 3、Data clustering can have an especially large impact on data warehouse query performance, because rows are often retrievedin large numbers.(数据聚簇对于数据仓库查询性能的影响尤其显著,因为常常在一个查询中获取许多行。)
- 4、The APG-73 is in servicein large numbers around the world.(APG-73在全球各地大量在役。)
- 5、Bosnian Serbs may now applyin large numbers for Serbian passports.(波黑的塞尔维亚族人现在也能成群结队地申请塞尔维亚护照了。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 6、Fecundity is the ability to reproducein large numbers.(生殖力是指大量繁殖的能力。)
- 7、Of course, readers already have this choice, and,in large numbers, they have made the choice that print is not the medium they are interested in.(当然现在读者已经有了这种选择,并且大多数人表示不喜欢这种印刷媒体。)
- 8、Pasture is depleted and cattle and goats are dyingin large numbers, leaving thousands of animal carcasses littering the roadsides.(牧草枯竭、牛羊大量死亡,成千上万的动物尸体横七竖八的躺在路边。)
- 9、To feed the seven billion people on Earth, most farmers today are growing only species of plants and farming only species of animals that are easy to producein large numbers.(为了养活地球上70亿人,今天的大多数农民只种植或养殖易于大量生产的植物和动物。)
- 10、The report also says the rising divorce rate is resultingin large numbers of older people living in single households.(报告也指出,离婚率不断上升使得很多年龄较大的人过着独居的生活。)
- 11、Regular remittances may shrink if people, having lost their jobs, return homein large numbers.(假如人们因失业,大量回家而导致长期汇款减少。)
- 12、Observers report that Rwandans turned outin large numbers for the vote.(观察者们报道说,事实上,卢旺达人踊跃参加了这次投票选举。)
- 13、In central Georgia, sweetgum and poplar trees growin large numbers.(在佐治亚州中部,生长有大量的枫香树和白杨树。)
- 14、It sponsors lots of symposiums and a credibility project dedicated to wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeingin large numbers.(它赞助了许多研讨会和可信度项目,致力于探究为什么客户会感到恼火并大量逃离。)
- 15、Newspapers have not yet started to shut downin large numbers, but it is only a matter of time.(报纸还未开始大规模停刊,但这只是时间问题。)
- 16、In October 2004, captive tigers fed on fresh chicken carcasses began dyingin large numbers at a zoo in Thailand.(2004年10月,泰国一家动物园中,以新鲜死鸡为食物的老虎大批死亡。)
- 17、The social consequences will become more evident because the boys bornin large numbers over the past decade will reach maturity then.(由于在过去10年里大量出生的男孩那时将发育成熟,其社会后果将变得更加突出。)
- 18、Later they settledin large numbers in Ulster.(之后又大规模定居在阿尔斯特。)
- 19、366 - the Alamanni cross the frozen Rhine Riverin large numbers, invading the Roman Empire.(366年的今天,阿拉曼人大量越过冰封的莱茵河,入侵罗马帝国。)
- 20、Memes, they can be reproducedin large numbers as well.(模因,它们也可以被大量复制。)
- 21、Orders soon started coming inin large numbers, and HoopSwagg became a popular brand among custom sock lovers.(很快,大量订单开始涌入,HoopSwagg成为了备受定制袜子爱好者欢迎的品牌。)
- 22、Leaders urged people to turn outin large numbers to repudiate the violence.(领导们力劝人们集体出面来声讨该暴力。)
- 23、Orders soon started comingin large numbers, and HoopSwagg became a popular brand among custom sock lovers.(很快,订单开始大量涌入,HoopSwagg成为了袜子爱好者中很受欢迎的品牌。)
- 24、New particles are now being postulated and proposed continually,in large numbers.(现在新粒子正在一个很大的数量下被不停地假设和提出。)