好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的in place的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条in place的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in place的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、It holds vegetablesin place while they are being peeled or sectioned.(它在蔬菜被去皮或切分时将他们固定。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 2、The bolts holding the wheelin place sheared off.(固定这个轮子的几个螺栓断了。)
- 3、Once the chip isin place, the pet does not feel it anymore.(一旦芯片就位,宠物就感觉不到它了。)
- 4、Each pleat was stitchedin place by hand.(每个褶子都是手工缝制的。)
- 5、These were hungin place with extendable rods.(这些是用可延长的杆挂到位的。)
- 6、Frank put the first plank down and nailed itin place.(弗兰克放下第一块木板,把它钉到位。)
- 7、We already have our core teamin place.(我们的核心队伍已经就位。)
- 8、When were you hoping to have thisin place?(你打算什么时候把这个装好?)
- 9、The cabinet had expressed the view that sanctions should remainin place for the present.(内阁曾表示说制裁会暂时保留。)
- 10、The technology isin place for a major expansion of wind power worldwide.(这项技术将在全球范围内大规模推广风力发电。)
- 11、Their legs lockin place so they don't fall over.(它们的腿固定在原地,这样它们就不会摔倒。)
- 12、Cooked kidney beans can be usedin place of French beans.(做熟的四季豆可以用来代替菜豆。)
- 13、in place of hair, his head was covered by a thick bush of green grass.(他的头上没有头发,取而代之的是一丛茂密的绿草。)
- 14、Ensure the guard isin place before operating the machine.(一定要在防护装置放到位后再开机器。)
- 15、In Aisle 34 is precut plastic flooring, the glue alreadyin place.(34号走道有预先切割的塑料地板,胶水已经到位。)
- 16、In a few Minnesota communities, physician's assistants are being usedin place of doctors.(在明尼苏达州的一些社区,医生助理正被用来代替医生。)
- 17、Cole went onin place of Beckham just before half-time.(就在上半场结束前科尔上场替换了贝克汉姆。)
- 18、Similar legislation is alreadyin place in Utah.(类似的法规已在犹他州实施。)
- 19、With all the arrangementsin place for my parents' visit, I rang to confirm their time of arrival.(在安排好我父母参观的地点后,我打电话确认他们到达的时间。)
- 20、Thus by about 1400 the key elements werein place to enable Europe to begin its seaward adventure.(因此,到1400年左右,关键因素已经到位,使欧洲能够开始它的海上冒险。)
- 21、One of the main findings of the survey was the confusion about the facilities alreadyin place.(该调查的主要发现之一是对已安装到位的设备的混淆。)
- 22、Carter is playingin place of the injured O'Reilly.(卡特替代受伤的奥赖利上场比赛。)
- 23、in place of Thomas Carlyle, Britain nurtured Christopher Hill, EP Thompson and Eric Hobsbawm.(英国培养了克里斯托弗·希尔、EP·汤普森和埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆来代替托马斯·卡莱尔。)
- 24、The material is cut and gluedin place.(材料被剪开并粘到合适的位置。)
- 25、You can use milkin place of cream in this recipe.(这道食谱可以用牛奶代替奶油。)
- 26、All the arrangements are nowin place for their visit.(他们来访的一切都安排就绪了。)
- 27、With more effective measures putin place, the disease has been brought under control.(由于采取了更有效的措施,疾病已得到控制。)
- 28、A strong community cannot be built until the basics arein place.(只有等到基本要素都已就位,一个牢固的社会才能建立。)