好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的in general的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条in general的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in general的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、The dog was similarin general appearance to a spaniel.(这条狗总的来看像西班牙猎狗。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 2、He was in no way representative of dog trainersin general.(他绝不能代表大多数的驯狗师。)
- 3、in general, the subpopulations of most species are separated from each other by some measurable distance.(一般来说,大多数物种的亚种群之间都有一定的距离。)
- 4、Becausein general, modes of transport are all around.(因为一般来说,交通工具无处不在。)
- 5、The food industry has,in general, been firmly opposed to such direct government action.(总体而言,食品行业一直坚决反对政府采取这种直接行动。)
- 6、$2,500 for software is soon swallowed upin general costs.(用于软件的$2500很快被各种花销耗尽了。)
- 7、in general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare.(日本汽车通常是很可靠的,发生故障的情况极少。)
- 8、in general, the expert's gaze was calmer and more stable.(总的来说,专家的目光更冷静,也更稳定。)
- 9、I know how it worksin general terms.(我大致知道其中的运作原理。)
- 10、in general, the changes they had made were to be welcomed.(总的来说,他们所作的这些变动都会被欣然接受。)
- 11、China's short track teams didn't do wellin general at the Games.(中国短道速滑队在奥运赛事上总体表现不佳。)
- 12、in general, from 365m above the ground and higher, the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace.(一般来说,从地面以上365米的高度,整个国家都被管制空域覆盖。)
- 13、in general, incumbents have a 94 percent chance of being re-elected.(一般情况下,现任官员有94%的几率会再次当选。)
- 14、in general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger.(一般来讲,纯色的地毯使房间显得更大。)
- 15、In the troposphere, the air at higher altitudes isin general cooler than the air below it.(在对流层中,高海拔地区的空气通常比低海拔地区的空气冷。)
- 16、in general, it is plausible to suppose that we should prefer peace and quiet to noise.(一般而言,我们有理由推断,人们应该更喜欢平静安宁而不是噪音。)
- 17、The accounting unfortunately at that point,in general, wasn't really able to reflect that difference.(不幸的是,当时的会计通常并不能反映出这种差异。)
- 18、I think we need to improve our educational systemin general.(我认为我们需要从总体上改进我们的教育体制。)
- 19、Peoplein general will support us.(总体而言,人们会支持我们的。)
- 20、The equation of gangsterism with businessin general in Coppola's film was intended to be subversive.(柯波拉电影中黑帮文化与普通事务的等同旨在具有颠覆性。)
- 21、in general, employers do little to help the single working mother.(总的来说,雇主很少帮助那些工作的单身妈妈们。)
- 22、in general, only you can interrupt your tasks.(一般来说,只有您可以中断自己的任务。)
- 23、I think what screen dance will do, though, is heighten awareness of dancein general.(我认为荧屏舞蹈会在总体上提高人们对舞蹈的认知。)
- 24、This is a crucial year for your relationshipsin general and your love life in particular.(这一年对你们的关系,特别是你们的爱情生活是非常关键的。)
- 25、Residentsin general are poor and undereducated, and live in substandard housing.(居民一般都很穷、受教育程度低,而且居住条件很差。)
- 26、in general, diversity, by itself, does not ensure stability.(一般来说,多样性本身并不能保证稳定性。)
- 27、in general, each of us needs about 8 hours of sleep each day to keep us healthy and happy.(一般来说,我们每个人每天需要大约8个小时的睡眠来保持健康和愉悦的心情。)
- 28、in general, downtown areas just don't have that many residential areas; not that many people live there.(一般来说,市中心就是没有那么多居民区;没有那么多人住在那里。)
- 29、Butin general, for positive impact, forest management practices should mimic natural forest processes.(但一般而言,为了产生积极影响,森林管理做法应模仿自然森林过程。)