
in touch

in touch造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:34:01

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的in touch的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条in touch的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in touch的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Maybe someone could getin touch with her.(也许有人能联系上她。)
  • 2、I will getin touch with my lawyer about this.(我会就此与我的律师联系。)
  • 3、I wanted to keepin touch, but when I called him he gave me the brush-off.(我想和他保持联系,可是当我打电话时,他却不理我。)
  • 4、I tried to getin touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you were out.(我昨晚联系过你,但你那时可能不在家。)
  • 5、You can getin touch with the school by telephone or by e-mail.(你可以通过电话或电子邮件与学校取得联系。)
  • 6、I'm definitely going to getin touch with these people.(我一定要联系上这些人。)
  • 7、Keepin touch with her aunts.(和她的姑姑们保持联系。)
  • 8、Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keepin touch with school work.(孩子们倾向于依靠有关的学校朋友来保持与学校工作的联系。)
  • 9、Let's stayin touch.(我们保持联系吧。)
  • 10、Are you stillin touch with your friends from college?(你和大学的同学还有联系吗?)
  • 11、To make it easier to getin touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand.(为了方便跟我们联系,你最好留着这张卡片。)
  • 12、How crazy is that! Writing keeps usin touch with other people.(这太疯狂了!写作使我们与他人保持联系。)
  • 13、I met him when I traveled in Madrid, and I've keptin touch with him ever since.(我是在马德里旅游时认识他的,从那以后,我和他一直保持着联系。)
  • 14、Let's keepin touch.(咱们保持联系。)
  • 15、I swapped email addresses with the English girl I met on holiday so that we could keepin touch.(我和假期中遇到的那个英国女孩交换了电子邮件地址,以便我们保持联系。)
  • 16、I gotin touch with him immediately after I received the letter.(我接信后马上和他联系。)
  • 17、I'm trying to getin touch with Jane. Do you have her number?(我正在设法和简取得联系。你有她的电话号码吗?)
  • 18、Of course I can keepin touch with everyone through Facebook.(当然,我可以通过Facebook和每个人保持联系。)
  • 19、He wondered how to getin touch with that factory.(他想知道怎样与那家工厂取得联系。)
  • 20、Thank you for gettingin touch, Mr.Smith.(谢谢您的联系,史密斯先生。)
  • 21、Thanks for showing us your products—we'll bein touch.(谢谢给我们介绍你们的产品,我们将会保持联系。)
  • 22、They embraced and promised to keepin touch.(他们互相拥抱,许诺将保持联系。)
  • 23、Nowadays, phone calls and messages help us getin touch with others.(现在,电话和信息帮助我们与他人联系。)
  • 24、We've not beenin touch for quite a while.(我们好久没联系了。)
  • 25、I'll put youin touch with someone in your area.(我将安排你和你那个地区的一个人进行联系。)
  • 26、He keepsin touch with his friends in the chat room on the net.(他在网上的聊天室与朋友保持联系。)
  • 27、Each squad has a two-way radio to stayin touch.(每个小组都有一台收发两用的无线电通信设备以保持联系。)
  • 28、As year went by, I always keptin touch with Mrs.Pillar.(随着时间流逝,我一直和Pillar夫人保持着联系。)
  • 29、We're a tight group, so we do keepin touch.(我们是一个亲密的团体,所以我们的确保持着联系。)
  • 30、I use it to check my calendar and to keepin touch with others.(我用它来检查我的日历和与他人保持联系。) 【hao86.com好工具】
in touch基本释义

in touch

英 [in tʌtʃ] 美 [ɪn tʌtʃ] 

能达到的; 在能接触到之处; 联系
