
in store

in store造句

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:16:20

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的in store的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条in store的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in store的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、As time would tell, the industry's biggest enemy had some truly big thingsin store.(随着时间的推移,烟草业最大的敌人确实不同凡响,藏有若干利器。)
  • 2、Merrill Lynch's disastrous third quarter indicates more trouble might bein store.(美林的令人难堪的第三季度显示,可能还有更多的危机潜伏着。)
  • 3、The mind boggles at the possibilities that could bein store for us.(一想到我们将要面临的各种可能,脑子里就一片混乱。)
  • 4、The actor knew at that time what punishment wasin store for him.(此时,演员知晓等待他的是什么惩罚。)
  • 5、Remember how, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Al Gore claimed that we werein store for ever more destructive hurricanes?(还记得2005年卡特里娜飓风过后,阿尔·戈尔是如何宣称我们正准备迎接比以往更具破坏性的飓风的吗?)
  • 6、They think it'll be easy but they have a surprisein store.(他们以为事情容易,到时候他们会吃惊的。)
  • 7、This season Thailand’s soldiers had a nasty surprisein store.(本季度,将会有令泰国士兵惊讶难堪之事发生。)
  • 8、And let's see what my sponsors, Nike, havein store for me also.(再看看我的赞助商,耐克,他们店里会有些什么跟我相关的。)
  • 9、What new food trends arein store (the grocery store, that is) for 2008?(2008年在商店或杂货店会看到哪些新的食品发展趋势?)
  • 10、If you fail, it's because there are better thingsin store for you.(如果你失败了,那是因为还有更好的事情等你去做。)
  • 11、New Little Ice Agein store?(小冰时代即将来临?)
  • 12、All the Features You Expect, But No Built-in store.(拥有您预期的所有功能,但不能浏览store。)
  • 13、It seems, however, most people still aren’t aware of what’sin store.(看起来很多人不知道它会带来什么。)
  • 14、With all that Christmas hasin store.(希望商店里的圣诞节礼物能让你快乐。)
  • 15、If she had known what layin store for her, she would never have agreed to go.(要是她事先知道会有什么遭遇的话,她是决不会同意去的。)
  • 16、All history is contemporary history — even for histories the future still holdsin store for us.(一切历史都是现代史——甚至对于历史来说,也会记载着我们的未来。)
  • 17、She'd need all her strength and bravery to cope with what layin store.(她需要拿出全部的力量和勇气来应对即将发生的事情。)
  • 18、What'sin store?(储备什么?)
  • 19、My dear, we never know what life may havein store for us!(亲爱的,我们永远不知道未来的生活会是什么样子!)
  • 20、Surprises were alsoin store for me.(令人吃惊的事也将发生在我身上。)
  • 21、Almost every agency we deal with has announced some expansion of its authority, which naturally makes me concerned about what'sin store for us for the future.(几乎我们打交道的每个机构都宣布扩大了一些职权,这自然而然使我担心我们未来会面临什么。)
  • 22、We don't know what life holdsin store for us.(我们不知道等待我们的将是什么样的生活。)
  • 23、There are lots of surprisesin store for visitors to the gallery.(参观画展的人将会发现许多令他们惊奇的东西。)
  • 24、I have so much to share about our time away and what we havein store back here at home.(我有太多的东西要分享,我们离开这的那段时光,我们从商店购来的,为家里添置的物品。)
  • 25、Then we started asking us to tell us what wasin store for us in the future.(随后我们开始请求它告诉我们未来有什么在等待着我们。)
  • 26、Scientists are increasingly keen to find out what's going on because they consider the Arctic the "canary in the mine" for global warming—a warning of what'sin store for the rest of the world.(科学家们越来越想知道到底发生了什么,因为他们认为北极是全球变暖中“煤矿中的金丝雀”——是对世界其他地方即将发生的事情的警告。)
in store基本释义

in store

英 [in stɔ:] 美 [ɪn stɔr] 

必将到来; 快要发生; 贮藏着; 准备着
