
in that case

in that case造句

更新时间:2025-03-03 06:42:54

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的in that case的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条in that case的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in that case的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、The transaction is rolled backin that case.(在那种情况下,事务进行了回滚。)
  • 2、in that case we'd better fill in a Lost Property Form.(那样的话,我们最好填一张失物招领单。)
  • 3、But at least the victimin that case survived.(不过至少这桩案件的受害者幸免于难。)
  • 4、in that case, how should I respond?(在那种情况下,我该如何回应?)
  • 5、in that case, we won't wait any longer.(那我们就不再等了。)
  • 6、in that case, the climax community would be considered the most stable, since, by definition, it changes the least over time.(在这种情况下,顶极群落将被认为是最稳定的,因为根据定义,它随着时间推移所产生的变化最小。)
  • 7、"in that case you also are free," said the Jailer.(“既然这样,你也自由了。”狱卒说。)
  • 8、in that case, an XML schema is not required.(在这种情况下,XML模式不是必需的。)
  • 9、in that case, I'll telephone you.(如果那样,我会打电话给你的。)
  • 10、in that case, the parent will save its best performances until just before the babies get their feathers.(在这种情况下,父母会把自己最好的表现保留到孩子即将长出羽毛的时候。)
  • 11、in that case, why not just be happy?(如果是这样的话,为什么不快乐些呢?)
  • 12、in that case, don't say "Hey! You're trying to cheat me!" Instead, use the phrase, "I understood that."(在这种情况下,不要说“嘿!你想骗我!”,而应该说:“我明白。”)
  • 13、Butin that case is a subsidy needed?(但如果是这样的话,还需要补贴吗?)
  • 14、in that case, use a comma.(在此种情况下,仅需使用一个逗号。)
  • 15、in that case, the data was really transient.(在这种情况下,数据是暂时的。)
  • 16、in that case, I'm a fool—a thorough fool.(那样的话,我就是个大傻瓜——彻头彻尾的大傻瓜。)
  • 17、Andin that case, you have the opposite result.(在那种情况下,你有相反的结果。)
  • 18、in that case you won't miss any courses tomorrow morning then.(那样的话,你明天上午就不会缺课了。)
  • 19、He said he was very sorry because it was beyond his power to make the final that case, I had to turn to others for help.(他说他很抱歉,因为他无权做最后的决定。在那种情况下,我不得不向别人求助。)
  • 20、in that case he and she must have plotted this together.(在这件事上,分明是他在与她通同作弊。)
  • 21、in that case, my original question recurs.(这样,又回了到我最初提出的问题上。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 22、in that case, inflation will rise.(在那种情况下,通货膨胀会加剧。)
  • 23、Well,in that case, you might like a mixer.(好吧,那样的话,你可能会喜欢搅拌器。)
  • 24、in that case, climax communities would be the most fragile and the least stable, since they can require hundreds of years to return to the climax state.(在这种情况下,顶极群落会是最脆弱和最不稳定的,因为它们可能需要数百年才能恢复到顶极状态。)
  • 25、Andin that case you should butt out.(如果是那样的话,你应该置身事外。)
  • 26、Perhaps you've some doubts about the that case it may interest you to know that Miss Woods witnessed it.(或许你对本次袭击有些怀疑。要是那样的话,你可能会有兴趣了解伍兹小姐目睹了一切。)
  • 27、in that case, I'll go.(要是这么着,那我就去吧。)
  • 28、in that case, you have to define it explicitly.(在这种情况下,必须显式地定义它。)
  • 29、Peace,in that case, would be far closer.(在这种情况下,那么和平就更加近了。)
  • 30、If you must move, don't follow a stream unless you know it, andin that case, you are not lost.(如果你必须移动,除非你了解情况,否则不要沿着溪流移动,并且是在你没有迷路的情况之下。)
in that case基本释义

in that case

英 [in ðæt keis] 美 [ɪn ðæt kes] 

假使那样; 在那时候
