好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的in the interests of的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了23条in the interests of的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了in the interests of的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、in the interests of privacy, some people prefer to use hashcodes of e-mail addresses.(出于隐私的考虑,有些人喜欢用电子邮件地址的哈希码。)
- 2、While one protects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices the individual to violencein the interests of the state.(一方面保护个人免受暴力,另一方面为了国家的利益而使个人遭受暴力。)
- 3、It is alsoin the interests of the world.(这也对世界有利。)
- 4、And indeed it has faced much criticism for appearing to act onlyin the interests of the rich world.(实际上它因似乎只顾富裕国家的利益采取行动而面临许多批评。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 5、To maintain peace and stability of the Straits isin the interests of peoples on both sides of the Straits.(维护台海地区和平与稳定,有利于两岸人民的利益。)
- 6、Still, for those who claim to be actingin the interests of future generations, "making them smaller" isn't the answer.(尽管如此,对于那些自称是代理在未来几代人的利益”,使它们更小的”不是的答案。)
- 7、Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, says the peace talks arein the interests of Israel and the Palestinians.(以色列外长利夫尼说,和平谈判符合以色列和巴勒斯坦人的利益。)
- 8、This shows that our co-operation isin the interests of Mattel, and both parties should value our co-operation.(这表明,我们的合作是符合美泰利益的,双方都应珍惜我们之间的合作。)
- 9、It argued that this wasin the interests of Facebook users, who would no longer have to use different online currencies for different applications.(Facebook称这种做法方便了Facebook的用户,他们不再需要为不同的应用程序支付不同的虚拟货币。)
- 10、"It is largelyin the interests of both countries given the pressure coming on them to take action, to really come together," he said.(“考虑到这两个国家将要承受的压力,采取行动并真正携手合作在很大程度上符合双方的利益,”他说。)
- 11、Thoughtful, influential voices are sacrificed in his bookin the interests of a much racier tale.(为了写出活泼生动的故事,他的书舍弃了富有思想、影响深远的声音。)
- 12、But it is the kind of sacrifice I think you have to makein the interests of global health.(但我想这是为全球健康的利益而必须作出的牺牲。)
- 13、Money well spent, no doubt,in the interests of pure research.(毫无疑问,这些资金都会很好的用在纯研究上。)
- 14、If I am in distress, it isin the interests of your comfort, which is effective as it nerves you to endure the same sufferings as I suffered myself.(我们受患难呢,是为叫你们得安慰……这安慰能叫你们忍受我们所受的那样苦楚。我们为你们所存的盼望是确定的。)
- 15、What is missing in all this is consideration of what’sin the interests of the cloned child.(但是在这样的情况下我们并没有考虑这对克隆孩子有什么好处。)
- 16、She is willing to do anythingin the interests of the children in her country.(为了本国儿童的利益,她愿做任何事情。)
- 17、Investment Banks, it seemed, were not being runin the interests of the economy or even of their owners, but for their staff.(看起来,投资银行的运营并不是为了经济受益或者说为了其所有者的利益,而是为了他们员工的利益。)
- 18、It is alsoin the interests of our mutual prosperity and peace and that of Asia-Pacific region and the world.(这同时有利于两国的繁荣与和平,有利于亚太地区和世界的繁荣与和平。)
- 19、Or had it in fact become a form of constraintin the interests of social order.(或者它在事实上只是现有社会秩序的利益下的一种约束形式。)
- 20、They will have the right to veto a decision if they judge it not to bein the interests of all shareholders.(一旦他们发现公司决定不利于所有股东,他们有权进行否定。)
- 21、And increasingly, Chinese citizens are called on to take risks, and make sacrifices,in the interests of global security.(中国公民越来越多地被要求为全球安全的利益承担风险,作出牺牲。)
- 22、They are alsoin the interests of the Sinhalese majority.(也符合多数派僧伽罗人的利益诉求。)
- 23、Police stood around the office, and their report declares that the affair was undertakenin the interests of public order.(外面有警察包围,他们的报告宣称这是为了维护公共秩序。)