


更新时间:2025-03-10 09:15:38

  • 1、Laughing is aninfallible sign of the highest degree of mental development.(笑声必然是智力发展最高程度的标志。)
  • 2、No technique isinfallible, he said.(所以说没有什么技术是绝对可靠的。)
  • 3、While this division of the frequency spectrum works, said Goldsmith, it's notinfallible.(戈德史密斯表示,这种频谱划分方式尽管行之有效,却并非尽善尽美。)
  • 4、Theinfallible kind is a "complete proof" (tekmerhiou); the fallible kind has no specific name.(绝对可靠的那种是“完全的论据”(tekmerhiou),易出错的那种没有具体名称。)
  • 5、Love and toothache have many cures, but noneinfallible, except possession and dispossession.(爱情和牙痛有多种疗法,但无一可靠,除非要么留着,要么拔去。)
  • 6、For Marston, the polygraph was the equivalent of Wonder Woman's lasso: aninfallible detector of the truth.35.(对马斯顿来说,测谎机等同于神奇女侠的套索:一台永不失败的真话探测机。)
  • 7、We call them 99.9%infallible.(我们称之为99.9%万无一失。)
  • 8、Decide to be wealthy the easy way, with theinfallible aid of your subconscious mind.(下定决心,以简单的方式来致富,当然,需要你潜意识的帮助。)
  • 9、When claim is made of aninfallible historical account, it is not long before someone discovers error.(当你声称做出了无懈可击的历史叙述时,很快便会有人发现谬误其中。)
  • 10、But instead of havinginfallible connections to guide us, we just have probably connections.(但是没有一定正确的联系指引着我们,有的只是可能的联系。)
  • 11、The method of doubtconsists in questioning the source of his beliefs and asking whether that sourceisinfallible.(这种怀疑方法就是,质问自己信念的来源,并思考这种来源是否可靠。)
  • 12、Doctors are notinfallible.(医生并非永不犯错。)
  • 13、Even more philosophically, have human beings becomeinfallible enough to shun greed and power?(甚至就哲学而言,人类已经成熟到足以回避贪婪与权力吗?)
  • 14、'we are not gods, we are notinfallible,' says Shoichiro Toyoda, speaking of the company's management team.(丰田章一郎在谈到公司的管理团队时说,我们是人而不是神,并非十全十美。)
  • 15、These believers say Apple’s judgment on the market is nearlyinfallible.(那些乐观者说苹果对市场的判断是绝对可靠的。)
  • 16、Public schools are often viewed asinfallible sacred cows.(公立学校常被认为是批评的禁区。)
  • 17、No man isinfallible here on earth.(世上没有绝对正确的人。)
  • 18、The conviction that historical relics provideinfallible testimony about the past is rooted in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when science was regarded as objective and value free.(19世纪和20世纪初,人们确信历史遗迹可以为过去提供可靠证明,而在当时,科学被视为客观的和毫无价值的。)
  • 19、Now another very important feature is itsinfallible memory.(现在另一个非常重要的特征是,它可靠的记忆力。)
  • 20、Stay level headed and never let your guard down even when you feelinfallible?(即使在你感觉自己不会犯错误的时候也要保持头脑清醒,不要放松警惕。)
  • 21、Although he was experienced, he was notinfallible.(尽管他经验丰富,却并非不会出错。)
  • 22、No system isinfallible, of course.(当然没有绝对可靠的系统。)


英 [ɪnˈfæləbl] 美 [ɪnˈfæləbəl] 

副词: infallibly 名词: infallibility

