- 1、Describe action happening in the scene. Signal when characters enter or exit the scene and describe any important action with detailed passages.italicize and left-align these descriptions.(描写场景中所发生的故事情节。要写明各个角色是何时进入或离开场景的,并且要用多段详细的短文将重要的故事情节描述清楚。这些描述内容要用斜体字与左对齐排列样式。)
- 2、As if toitalicize the point, little Charles crept under the kitchen table, only to have his mother accidentally kick him in the head as she crossed her legs.(我思绪未完,似乎是要附和我的感叹,小查里斯爬到了餐桌底下,刚好被他妈妈伸直脚时不小心踢到了他的头。)
- 3、Bold text,italicize words, or even upload your own photos and videos.(粗体,斜体字,甚至上传自己的照片和录像。) haO86.com
- 4、Capitalize the first letter, capitalize oritalicize the entire mark, place the mark in quotes, use a different type style or font for the mark than for the generic name.(首字母用大写,整个商标用大写或斜体,将商标放在引号内,为商标使用与通用名不同的字型或字体。)
- 5、You can Bold oritalicize the selected font.(你可以大胆或标示选定字体。)
- 6、In this book, weitalicize comments to make them stand out from the normal program text.(本书中,注释排成斜体以区别于一般程序文本。)
- 7、For users who want to do a bit more with their text (link, underline,italicize, HTML headers, etc.), TXT.io offers support for the Textile markup language.(对于想给文本添加格式(链接、下划线、斜体等)的用户,TXT.io提供了文本标记语言支持。)