


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:09:19

  • 1、Miller is trapped, and theinsurgent is up here, in a perfect spot, with perfect lines of fire.(Miller被困了,叛军在楼上,占据了一个很有利的地形,拥有完美的发射线。)
  • 2、Nobody really knows how interestedinsurgent leaders are in the idea (they are probably divided).(现在没人真的知道叛军领导人对这个想法还有多大兴趣(或许他们内部也有分歧)。)
  • 3、There were some 400insurgent attacks on polling day, and turnout in the troubled south was low.(在投票当日有约400名武装分子扰乱现场,而且在动乱不断的南部投票率很低。)
  • 4、Miller stepped forward to return fire and killed theinsurgent instantly.(纵身跳下巨石,举枪向五米以外的伪军射击。米勒上士上前开枪,当场杀害了这名游击队员。)
  • 5、A challenge for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan is knowing who is aninsurgent and who is not.(驻伊拉克和阿富汗士兵面临的挑战是识别敌我。)
  • 6、I didn't want them to mistake me for aninsurgent trying to overrun their post.(我不想被他们误认为是捣检查站的叛军。)
  • 7、Theinsurgent group has not given up, and as with so many of its attacks, this one was, in part at least, a bid for more recruits.(反叛组织没有就此罢手,对于他们多次的袭击行为,至少“这一单”是为新兵准备的。)
  • 8、I ask for no reason, I forget the cause, I only know that your laughter is the tumult ofinsurgent life.(我忘记了原由,也不想知道它,我只记得,你的欢笑就是炽热沸腾的生活。)
  • 9、"Permanent presence" in a province is defined as one or moreinsurgent attacks - lethal and non-lethal - per week.(某个省份“永久性的出现”意味着每周有一次以上的致命或非致命反叛袭击。)
  • 10、On a day of newinsurgent attacks in Iraq, with at least 40 people killed, members of the U.(在伊拉克,激进分子发动的新一轮袭击在一天内造成至少40人死亡。)
  • 11、Pakistan denies sponsoring anyinsurgent groups.(巴基斯坦否认资助任何反叛组织。)
  • 12、They had gathered to discuss some feuds that had broken out betweeninsurgent groups, mainly over turf.(他们开会是讨论武装组织之间的一些分歧,主要是在地盘上的争议。)
  • 13、I had to remind him to lower his voice - after all, he was supposed to be an undercoverinsurgent.(我不得不提醒他要小点声——毕竟他正在参加一项秘密活动。)
  • 14、This contact initiated a near-ambush from a company-sized group ofinsurgents. Theinsurgent forces fired on Staff Sgt.(这次交火马上引发了一场连级规模的游击队伏击战。)
  • 15、Staff Sgt. Miller immediately turned toward the enemy and shot and killed theinsurgent who had wounded him.(米勒上士立即转向这名游击队员,开枪打死了他。)
  • 16、"Reconciliation" withinsurgent leaders was barely mentioned, either by Mr Karzai or in the communique.(与反叛分子领导“调和”的想法,卡尔扎伊或者公报都少有提及。)
  • 17、But they were looking over their shoulder at aninsurgent: Neal Blue, CEO of General Atomics.(但是,当他们侧目环视周围时,出现在他们眼前的是一个“反叛者”,来自通用原子公司的首席执行官尼尔·布鲁。)
  • 18、51Pfc. Garrick Carlton, 21, of Sacramento, Calif., patrols up a mountain looking for aninsurgent fighting position in Kunar province.(加利福尼亚,萨克拉门托21岁的卡尔顿在库纳尔省巡山,寻找战斗激进分子的位置。)
  • 19、The summer will see an intensified attempt to drain awayinsurgent influence from the crucial southern town of Kandahar.(今夏将会加大努力以扫清南部重镇坎大哈的叛军影响力。)
  • 20、Playinginsurgent basketball did not guarantee victory.(像游击队那样打篮球并不一定能带来胜利。)
  • 21、A fifth soldier was killed in aninsurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan.(第五名士兵在阿富汗东部的一次反叛分子袭击中丧生。)


英 [ɪnˈsɜ:dʒənt] 美 [ɪnˈsɜ:rdʒənt] 

副词: insurgently


