


更新时间:2025-03-10 09:15:15

  • 1、Austria is presumablyinternationally best known for its musicians.(奥地利估计是以其享誉国际的音乐家而闻名于世的。)
  • 2、By the way, this will probably keep happening each time you travelinternationally.(顺便说一下,这可能会在你每次出国旅行时继续发生。)
  • 3、Diseases spreadinternationally.(疾病在国际上传播。)
  • 4、Esperanto is usedinternationally across language boundaries by at least 1 million people, particularly in specialized fields.(世界语跨越了语言边界,它已在全球范围内被至少100万人使用,尤其是在专业领域。)
  • 5、The stress is feltinternationally.(国际上感受到这种压力。)
  • 6、India's concerns are being registeredinternationally.(印度的担心引起了国际社会的注意。)
  • 7、Chemical weapons are bannedinternationally.(国际上禁止使用化学武器。)
  • 8、internationally, "giftedness" is most frequently determined by a score on a general intelligence test, known as an IQ test, which is above a chosen cutoff point, usually at around the top 2-5%.(在国际上,“天才”最常由一项智商测试(IQtest)的分数决定,这些“天才”的测试分数高于选定的分界线,通常在前2%至5%左右。)
  • 9、SPNEGO is aninternationally recognized standard.(SPNEGO是得到国际认可的标准。)
  • 10、He's a talented athlete who competes nationally andinternationally.(他是一位有才华的运动员,既参加国内比赛,也参加国际比赛。)
  • 11、Theinternationally recognized unit for measuring this pressure is the kilopascal.(国际公认的测量压力的单位是千帕。)
  • 12、Kraft, meanwhile, wants to expandinternationally.(期间卡夫也一直想国际化扩展业务。)
  • 13、It's supposed to be very famousinternationally.(在国际上还是很有名气的。)
  • 14、He becameinternationally famous for his novels.(他以小说享誉国际。)
  • 15、The Kravchenko trial became a cause célèbre in Paris andinternationally.(对克拉夫琴科的审判变成了一场在巴黎和全世界轰动一时的事件。)
  • 16、Esperanto is an artificial language, designed to serveinternationally as an auxiliary means of communication among speakers of different languages.(世界语是一种人造语言,目的是充当国际上不同语言使用者之间交流的辅助手段。)
  • 17、And it also sends a message of weaknessinternationally.(这也让我们在国际上发出了示弱的信息。)
  • 18、Not only does it run the country as a vast gulag, not only has it so mismanaged its economy, it also spreads mischiefinternationally.(它不单是像管理巨大的古格拉那样管理这个国家,不单将其经济管理得一塌糊涂,它还在国际上散播恶意。)
  • 19、One way to lower costs will be to forge alliances with foreign companies or to expandinternationally through appropriate takeovers – in short, to "globalize."(降低成本的途径之一将是与外国公司结成联盟或通过适当的兼并进行国际性扩张–简言之,就是“全球化”。)
  • 20、Chinese New Year, now celebrated in most big cities around the world, is just one of the many festivals that are acceptedinternationally.(现在世界上大多数大城市都在庆祝中国新年,它只是众多被国际接受的节日之一。)
  • 21、The popularity of these novels consolidated Dickens as a nationally andinternationally celebrated man of letters.(这些小说的流行使狄更斯成为全国乃至全世界著名的文学家。)
  • 22、internationally, it was isolated.(在国际上,它受到了孤立。)
  • 23、We have seen such strains spreadinternationally.(我们见过这种菌株在国际上传播。) (hao86.com好工具)


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