


更新时间:2024-06-24 12:09:11

  • 1、Computing: a modified version of the Internet's communications protocol, devised forinterplanetary use, is being tested by spacecraft.(计算机工程:一个修改版的互联网通讯协议正在太空船上进行测试,此协议专门用于行星间通讯。)
  • 2、In 1967, a new type of radio telescope intended for the study ofinterplanetary scintillation came into operation.(1967年,一种新型的打算用于研究行星闪烁的射电望远镜投入了工作。)
  • 3、The encounters occur under conditions of weak and steady southwardinterplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF).(这两次穿越是在弱而稳定的南向行星际磁场(IMF)条件下发生的。)
  • 4、Theinterplanetary Internet will use spacecraft that have completed their mission to create a backbone for the new network.(星际互联网将使用已发射的航天器来构造新互联网的主干网。)
  • 5、Researchers plan to evaluate the likelihood of panspermia by studying whether microorganisms can survive aninterplanetary journey.(研究人员打算研究:微生物是否可以在星际旅行中存活,并据以评估胚种说存在的可能性。)
  • 6、Soon everyone will be dreaming ofinterplanetary travel again, he predicts.(他预测,很快每个人都会再次梦想星际旅行。)
  • 7、Could those experiments provide insights profound enough to justify the expense of sending people acrossinterplanetary space?(这些实验能提供足够深刻的见解,从而将把人送到星际空间的花费合理化吗?)
  • 8、This could compromise our ability to distinguish between interstellar dust andinterplanetary dust.(这有可能危及我们区分星际尘埃和太阳系内尘埃的能力。)
  • 9、The remnant nebular gas pervades theinterplanetary space.(星云的残余气体充斥星际空间。)
  • 10、In terms of density, the voyage frominterplanetary to intergalactic space is more drastic than going from water into air.(以密度来说,从行星际到星系际空间的旅行,比从水进入空气中还激烈。)
  • 11、The facility simulated confinement, stress and fatigue ofinterplanetary travel - the only thing not simulated was weightlessness.(该设备模拟诸如禁闭,压力和星际旅行带来的疲劳等状态——唯一没有模拟失重状态。)
  • 12、Theinterplanetary magnetic field fluctuates greatly in magnitude and direction.(行星际磁场在不同的星等和方向强度差别很大。)
  • 13、Or simply remember that men and women come from different planets, andinterplanetary friendships have never worked.(或者简单地说,男人和女人来自不同的星球,而这种跨星际的友谊肯定行不通。)
  • 14、Whatever stage we may regard as the beginning of the ear ofinterplanetary communication we shall never be able to reach its end.(无论把哪个阶段认为是星际交通时代的开始,我们都将永远达不到它的尽头。)
  • 15、interplanetary spacecraft may require more radiation shielding than the low-orbit and lunar craft that humans have travelled in so far.(行星际飞船也许需要比迄今人类已经乘坐过的低轨道和月球登陆舱更强的辐射防护。)
  • 16、There's nothing like steam heat to warm the cockles of a spaceman's soul as he or she traverses the cold depths ofinterplanetary space.(当宇航员在冰冷的星际空间漫游时,还有什么能比蒸汽更能温暖他或她的灵魂呢?)
  • 17、An even smaller type ofinterplanetary debris is the meteoroid.(有一种更小的星际碎片,是流星体。)
  • 18、Immediately after the impact of theinterplanetary shock, Earth's magnetic field lines began wobbling at ultra low frequencies.(行星际激波撞击之后,紧接着地球的磁力线开始以特低频摆动。)
  • 19、It was the first time aninterplanetary probe was launched from a space shuttle.(这是人类第一次尝试从航天飞机上发射行星探测器。)
  • 20、If all goes well Dr Cerf says that by September there should be three nodes on theinterplanetary network-including Earth.(如果进展顺利,到9月星际间的网络节点将达到3个,其中之一就在地球,瑟夫博士如是说。)
  • 21、Atlantis was the first shuttle to launch aninterplanetary probe.(亚特兰蒂斯号是第一艘发射行星探测器的飞船。)
  • 22、"I think it will quickly be developed forinterplanetary travel within our Solar System".(我想,它很快会被开发运用与太阳系中的星际航行。)
  • 23、interplanetary quarantine will be much more difficult to enforce once humans reach Mars.(一旦人类到达了火星,星际检疫会变得困难得多。)
  • 24、The gegenschein is sunlight back-scattered off smallinterplanetary dust particles.(对日照是日光经由尘埃粒子的反向散射所造成的。)


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