


更新时间:2024-12-23 07:29:29

  • 1、The country's fragrant Hom Mali grain, in particular, has becomejustifiably famous among types of jasmine rice.(特别是泰国香米,在一众茉莉香米中已大有名气。)
  • 2、Palestinians arejustifiably worried that these projects nibble away at the land available for their future state.(巴勒斯坦人有理由担心,这些工程会一点点侵蚀他们未来国家的土地。)
  • 3、Also the writer Lu Xun published the first, andjustifiably famous, story in modern Chinese, Diary of a Madman.(作家鲁迅先生发表了著名的第一篇白话文小说《狂人日记》。)
  • 4、The university can bejustifiably proud of its record.(这所大学有理由为自己的纪录而自豪。)
  • 5、Indeed, users canjustifiably brag about such Android-only titles as the Google Sky Map astronomy program.(的确,用户可以以Android独占程序为豪,比如Google星空这种天文程序。)
  • 6、If you can be the first to solve any of these puzzles, you will bejustifiably famous.(如果你能够成为第一个解决任何问题的人,那么你毫无疑问会因此而出名。)
  • 7、Should someone move into your living room uninvited, you would feeljustifiably aggrieved.(如果有人不请自来住进你的房间,你理所当然会感到被侵害。)
  • 8、The Aussies arejustifiably proud of the largest coral reef on earth - the Great Barrier reef.(澳大利亚最有理由自豪的地球上最大的珊瑚礁-大堡礁。)
  • 9、He isjustifiably bitter.(他的怨恨是有理由的。)
  • 10、I had so many headaches already that I mightjustifiably have begged fate to give me a pass.(我已经遇上了那么多头疼事儿,我有理由祈求命运保佑我过关。)
  • 11、Certified RUP specialists can bejustifiably proud of their accomplishment.(认证后的RUP专家能够名正言顺的为他们所取得的成绩感到自豪。)
  • 12、The Chinese arejustifiably nervous, however, about the vagaries of world commodity prices.(然而,中国人有理由对于世界商品价格的变化感到不安。)
  • 13、Lessjustifiably, they want the whole system to be “free” (ie, paid for by the taxpayer) and run by the state.(但还说整个教育体制应该是免费的(由纳税人支付),并且要公办,这有待商榷。)
  • 14、We can draw a causejustifiably from an effect.(我们可以根据结果合乎情理地推导出原因。)
  • 15、He wasjustifiably proud of his achievements.(他无可非议地为自己的成就感到骄傲。)
  • 16、Nadal isjustifiably the best player in the world, and his greatest advantages are patience and stability.(纳达尔是无可争议的目前世界上最优秀的网球运动员,他最大的优势是耐心和稳定性。)
  • 17、Indeed, she now says she intends to Sue for harassment, andjustifiably.(确实,她现在说她要起诉被骚扰了,并且证据确凿。)
  • 18、Several of the other ten uc sites, such as Los Angeles and San Diego, are not far behind. Californians arejustifiably proud.(加利福尼亚大学的10个分校中,洛杉矶分校和圣地亚哥分校的排名也很靠前,足以让加州人引以为豪。)
  • 19、The result canjustifiably be described as an exclusive bespoke suit that offers the ultimate in domestic comfort.(成果可谓是独家定制的套房,提供了舒适的终极住宅。)
  • 20、The guy in his undies thinks this is especially funny, andjustifiably so.(那个内男裤觉得这个特别好笑,而且笑得有凭有据。)
  • 21、A large enterprise cannotjustifiably claim that they cannot afford a full-scale performance test server.(大型企业没有任何理由宣称它们无法提供同等规模的性能测试服务器。)
  • 22、They can alljustifiably feel that they're a hero for a day.(他们就都可以当之无愧的称自己为当天的英雄。)


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