
just do it

just do it造句

更新时间:2024-11-25 08:00:23

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的just do it的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条just do it的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了just do it的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Youjust do it anyway and that is the best place to be in.(你只是做那件事而且那是最好的选择。)
  • 2、What epitomizes the Tiger spirit is the Nike slogan, "just do it!"(最能体现老虎精神的,应该数耐克的“想做就去做!”!)
  • 3、But if you haven't been, start now -just do it.(但是如果你还没有开始,那现在就开始吧。)
  • 4、And this thing so whatever it is, youjust do it yourself.(所以无论是什么事情,你只能自己去做。)
  • 5、“just do it, ” the Cat said.(“照我说的做吧,”猫说。)
  • 6、Well, you know the answer, but let'sjust do it out again.(好你们知道答案,但仍然让我们把它写出来。)
  • 7、I never measure rice and water when I'm cooking - Ijust do it by rule of thumb.(我做饭时,从不量米量水,只凭经验。)
  • 8、Now,just do it.(现在只管去做。)
  • 9、Because we are so young, when some matters come, wejust do it all again.(我们很年轻,所以如果有什么不如意,可以从头再来。)
  • 10、So God said, "just do it! Stand away, please!"(上帝说:“只管照着做,站远一点,拜托!”)
  • 11、Andjust do it once a day, for 30 minutes or so.(并且每天只花30分钟去这样做。)
  • 12、Don't even ask —just do it.(不要问为什么——照着做就是了。)
  • 13、Instead of telling people what you're going to do,just do it.(不要告诉别人你要做什么,直接去做。)
  • 14、Quit studying and discussing your mission andjust do it!(别再研究、讨论宣教了,就去做吧!)
  • 15、Whatever you have chosen to pursue in your life,just do it.(一生中不管选择追求什么,只管去做。)
  • 16、"just do it" has become one of the most overused catch phrases in recent memory.(“尽管做”已成了最近记忆里最被滥用的口号之一。)
  • 17、I don't want to argue with you—just do it!(我不想和你争辩—请干吧!)
  • 18、Don't worry about it -just do it bit by bit.(对此不必担心,只管去做,一点一点来。)
  • 19、Can youjust do it this one time?(能不能就帮我一次?)
  • 20、I don't know why I do it. Ijust do it.(尽管我不知道这样做的道理,我仅会模仿着做。)
  • 21、Ijust do it to conform.(我这么做只是随大流。)
  • 22、just do it!(只要去做!)
  • 23、The first is the "just do it" option.(第一个选项是“JustDoIt”选项。)
  • 24、If I were just going to change a method name in my code, I'djust do it.(如果我想要改变我的代码中某个方法的名称,改就好了。)
  • 25、if a GET gets a network blowup,just do it again.(举个例子,如果一个GET操作碰到网络中断,只需要重新发送一次就好。)
  • 26、This is a world of action, if you want something you need tojust do it.(这是个行动的世界,如果你想要某样东西,你需要行动起来。)
just do it基本释义